

Gratitude in the New Year
2017-01-28 Happy New Year. Happy Year of the Rooster.

The new year is about renewal; it is about starting again.

And I have decided that my word for this year will be “gratitude.”

A new way of thinking: this year, whenever I start to feel down, I will shift my thinking from feeling bad about what I lack, to feeling good and thankful about what I have.

And I have a great deal, especially my wonderful family back home in the Midwest of the USA.

And 2017 marks 10 years in China - so I am super thankful to this country and all of its wonderful people. I am thankful for my Chinese friends and colleagues.

I am thankful that Chinese food is delicious and I can eat it every day.

I am thankful to live in Shenzhen.

Perhaps Shenzhen lacks long history or deep culture but Shenzhen has a spirit. Shenzhen is a city of creativity, color, confidence, and innovation.

Shenzhen is positively beautiful and that’s why I am grateful for the chance to live and work here.

I am optimistic and hopeful that this new year will be a good one. Tough times may be coming in the relationship between China and America, but I am certain things will end up fine in the end.

America may not be a friendly country right now, but the direct contacts between the good people of America and the good people of China will keep the relationship a peaceful one.

So let the big leaders in Washington fight. We the small people can just enjoy life - all we have to do is “be the light.”

I am grateful to have that choice; life must be pretty good.

Midwest Observations.


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