

Today is a holiday in America
2017-01-16 This Monday, January 16th is a national holiday in my country. Schools and government offices are closed. On this day we honor Dr. Martin Luther King jr.

He was perhaps America’s greatest moral leader.

He tried to teach us to give up war. He tried to teach us to live in harmony. We didn’t listen.

What an irony it is - Donald Trump will soon take over as president. So far, he causes trouble with China. He fights with both parties in Washington. Today he criticizes the only American congressman who marched with Martin Luther King. nd he’s not even the actual president yet!


What a contrast to the grace, style, and class of President Barrack Hussein Obama - we will miss him.

And what a contrast to a man of peace and compassion like Dr. King.

I am always impressed when my Chinese students mention Dr. King; they may not know the details of his life, or his struggle, but they do understand his message.

Harmony was his message.

He was America’s last moral leader and we are a poorer nation without him.

Today, a toast to Dr. Martin Luther King jr.


HailChina! 2017-01-23 11:58

I like Malcolm X better than Martin Luther King. Malcolm X did not really like Martin Luther King because he thought he was an Uncle Tom. Malcolm thought that Martin Luther King was a white mans black man. And kind of a homo. I agree. 

USA should have a Malcolm X day. That would be cooler.

Donald Trump has removed the Martin Luther King bust that was on display at the White House during the Obama administration and he put the Winston Churchill bust back in its place. Trump must identify with Churchill more than he does with Martin Luther King.

RKSmith 2017-01-17 16:12

Thank you.

voice_cd 2017-01-17 08:40

thanks for sharing your story here, we would like to highlight it on the homepage.