

Bicycle 2.0, Traditional & Digital culture of China
2017-01-09 In last few years tech startups in China growing faster and playing major role in building Digital China. Chinese tech companies are growing and they are following their traditions while bringing innovations to their products. With a similar concept, bike-sharing is increasing too fast in large metropolitan of China. Owing to Chinese bicycle culture, sharing bicycle startups got huge attraction.
Have you ever tried it? Leave your experience in the comment section:

I am in Beijing and when i get on the road or near subway station, i see large number of bikes parked and these bikes belong to Chinese startup companies MoBike and OFO bike. You need to install an app on your smartphone and the bike is your for as many hour as you need. Students and workers are highly attracted towards this concept and using this service more often. Due to this innovative service, Tuk-Tuk Rikshaw are decreasing and more people tend to ride a bicycle than Uber/DiDi.

I call it Bicycle 2.0 because it all works from your smartphone, all you need to do is enter bike number or scan code on bike and you can get a ride. Apps are developing more and one of them have also included health feature where you can track your calories consumption.

This concept is part of sharing economy broadly speaking and looks like B2C model however. Just like other sharing economy companies like Uber, Didi, AirBnB this technology company is reaching people like wildfire. This concept not only attracted common people who use this service but also investment companies which highly tend to invest in such startups.


voice_cd 2017-01-11 08:38

thanks for sharing your story here, we would like to highlight it on the homepage.

nosherwanabbasi 2017-01-09 17:12

Reshaping Bicycle culture in China