

Live Streaming Apps, Present and Future

By the end of 2016 Live streaming now have access to every individual with 3G and 4G. Owing to its integration with popular social apps and good Internet quality, Live streaming trend got success and hype in this year. Live streaming influenced people around the world whereas in China it got overwhelming response. Internet giants in China started their dedicated platforms and raised a large sum of investment.

Foreseeing the future and following the trends, Facebook and Twitter announced Live streaming for their users. This got popularity in around the world and people started sending their live videos from different places. It got popularity when celebrities and political figures started their live streaming on these social networks. Following to this trend, common users also started their live streaming. A major hike observed after YouTube released Live streaming feature and many youtubers and celebrities started going live. Live stream became more professional when media outlets started their live streaming of channels and important events.

China was no different in this industry, there was overwhelming response to live streaming. Compared to other world China seems to have more viral effect and million of people were going live and million of people started watching. Celebrities started their live steaming and built a large follower groups. Some of major Live streaming apps and features were provided by Douyu 斗鱼, Huajiao 花椒, yizhibo 一直播 and Yingke 映客. These apps have millions of users and this large interest of users turned this industry into a big success in 2016.

Success apart, some major problems hit this industry including Content policy, public privacy and threat of putting lives in danger. A major response to these issues were highlighted by the Beijing Government when they started taking measures to regulate Live streaming industry. Government asked all major companies to register based on strict and tighten rules to operate.
Some major incidents raised this concern in Beijing including what happened in IKEA store, where a Live Streaming guy hide him self and started live broadcast.
A major problem Live streaming facing these days is content policy and its its implementation performers can't display terror, cruelty and violence are forbidden to display. Secret Live streaming problem put privacy of individuals at stake and can result into major problems.

Bright side is more beautiful for Live steaming, more and more people and business are joining and its creating a space for everyone to show what they love to do. More innovation will hit 2017 collectively from these live steaming companies.
In 2017, introduction of 5G will be a milestone and lifeline to Live streaming industry. More powerful Internet access will increase in Live streaming and more professional live streaming will be observed.

According to tech anecdotes, 2017 will be year of VR, AI and Live streaming with large developments and innovations. People around the world are now adopting new technologies more fast and trends go faster. From 2016 Pokeman Go and Grab hongbao or scan hongbao (Red Envelope) got huge viral effect and everyone started scanning things around them and streets. Another recent example of this trend was seen when Super Mario app was released and people got crazy about it.

Live streaming will not only grow but will also get new innovations and there will be more focus on privacy of users and public. Chinese Internet companies are investing into this industry with positive thoughts and predict that 2017 will also be year of Live streaming. According to some reviews on these apps, new celebrities will be more likely to join such apps. These apps will not only provide space to celebrities but also have power to bring forward new people who will become celebrity soon.


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