

why I never come here anymore
Why I never come here anymore. By Sean Boyce 柏笑恩

There is that new BBS post about interviewing people and saying how long you have been here.
I have been here 3-4 years. Was quite active in the blogs for a while, also made a few videos. Barely on china daily now. Open it, browse quickly and close it. I am never on China daily, and I wanted to tell you why.

China daily has turned into a bit of a circle jerk news site (the blog section anyway). The blogs that get promoted are for the majority dull and unoriginal. Many "pro china" and "why westerners love china" like content on the wechat account. To be honest...its tedious.

I like China, I really do. But it feels so propaganda-esque when reading all this feel good news. News for me should be there to highlight things in society that need changing. It's not there to create a false love for someone or something. I know you have your restrictions, but god...there must be better topics than " 8 Chinese things that westerners love to eat".

The blogs are dull and unoriginal, you can notice by how many views they get on average now compared to 2-3 years ago when we had Colin, myself, anming, , maierwei, teamkrejados, mutafire etc. back then a good blog would be hitting 3000-4000 views. The blogs that were promoted were eye catching and talked about extremely interesting topics. anming writing about shake your phone for s*x, maierwei writing a feminists views on china, colin had the friday jokes section, teamkrejados does great snaps of life blogs, mutafire would do some very...contreversial topics (All I am saying is look at the picking up girls blog he done). Nowadays, Michael (who I respect very much) will see a blog getting 1500 or so views...most of his fanbase coming from those he teaches. He isn't getting the exposure he deserves being on here in all honesty.

Some of the blogs before would be hitting the tens of thousands of views, I done one on leftover women that got so many hits and messages pouring in from women all over about how much they enjoyed my blog and wished more Chinese men read it.

Now its filled with "my life in *insert country*" or "how to live a good life" or "why I love china", just dull uninspired, unoriginal content that has driven off the majority of the major bloggers that used to hang around here. There is no quality check, all sorts of garbage gets allowed, even blogs where I don't understand the English being written is allowed. The comments sections and the BBS forums are also horrendous with people just being allowed to be rude while any mention of a certain persons name in any context gets your comment deleted. If you are going to control what we can post, please remove the bigotry and hatred.

And so, I ask you to post this, or at least read this CD. Your English portal used to get a lot more views...If you wonder why it doesn't anymore, well here is one mans opinion.

And if this did get posted....and you are reading this now, I hope you are not offended readers, especially if "my life in *insert country*" is one of your blogs. It's not that I don't think you are nice or anything...I just prefer to read about something that inspires or invigorates me a bit more. There is a place for everything but it seems that CD only has a place for these kinds of blogs nowadays. A bit more variation is necessary.

I have made many friends on here, even met up with some of them. But I think I will be heading off and leaving China daily if I see no change.

Oh and fix your website guys...there are so many basic errors that THE BIGGEST ENGLISH PORTAL IN CHINA should not have.

Have a nice day, leave your comments below.


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