


Alone time is the time when we reflect upon us inside out, the ideas recollected and explored in those late night hours when the peace rules, it’s the time of creation, introspection. Aloneness is a pleasure of one’s own companionship. It’s the time when you meet you for a close conversation, the things reveal, answers to the questions show up, those knots untangled, burdens released. Only if we know what aloneness means. It’s about self-discovery, a journey you’ve embarked upon, and sometimes you take a break from the din and outside noise and pay heed to the whisper from the inside. Who you are? What do you exactly want? What’s Important, and what’s not?? How much time is left? Where you heading to? What’s attractive there? What do you ultimately want to achieve and your purpose for being here.

Aloneness is the best company if you make it so.


Riz 2016-10-22 16:05

Yes 'Solitude' is the word. Self-acceptance. Thank you!

Blondie 2016-10-22 13:32

Maybe a more appropriate word would be 'solitude'.

To be truly happy, you need to learn to be happy in your own company, and not rely on others or outside means of entertainment.
Inner Peace and acceptance of yourself is the first step to a happier life.