

Internet Addiction.

Not sure if we should call it an addiction but it, more or less, renders similar effects as any addiction. It pushes you to check face book alerts and all kinds of alerts time and again, before, during and after anything you’re busy with. May it be your work, eating, writing a homework assignment, and even sitting by the most loved person, you find yourself punching on your phone keys.

I googled ‘Internet Addiction’ in order to get more info and found that it exists as a disorder by the terms ‘compulsive Internet use (CIU), Internet overuse, problematic computer use, or pathological computer use, or Internet addiction disorder.’

There are further complications related to the internet addiction which are discussable.

Cyber Relationships are a common place practice today. Online dating services and social networking create a place to communicate with new people. Virtual online friends start to gain more importance over time to the person than real-life family and friends. Visuals are removed as it is communication through text. People suffering with social anxiety or issues regarding shame and guilt may be drawn to text relationships-which may be true for some people struggling to contain the over-stimulation of past trauma. Text becomes a transitional space, an extension of their mind that blends with the extension of the other person’s mind. They feel they can connect more directly to the mind and soul of the other person.

Cyber-relationships can often be more intense than real-life relationships, causing addiction to the relationship. With the ability to create whole new personas, people can often deceive the person they are communicative with. I’ve a couple of real-life friends who have been the victims of such kind of relationships. It took them awhile to recover from that on line love affair. Everyone is looking for a perfect companion but the perfect companion on line is not always the perfect companion in real life.

There are people who deliberately create fake personal profiles online with the intention of tricking a person into falling in love with them. There are money scams and all kinds of fraud happening on the internet. I have received emails from a few scammers claiming to have multi-million dollars in a bank account which they want to transfer into my account for some odd reasons.

My post particularly addresses young people who are studying and pursuing their careers at colleges and universities. They must devote themselves into education and learning and avoid falling into time wasting stuff. When you’re successful in your life, you will get what you want. You can attract anything by becoming attractive. Things and people will find you. You don’t have to waste time looking for fake and artificial satisfaction.



HailChina! 2016-11-06 04:26

So you are a success? And you can attract anything? Really?

Riz 2016-10-17 15:23

I haven't, but I am interested to know. What's that about?

Riz 2016-10-17 15:23

I haven't, but I am interested to know. What's that about?

Dracarys 2016-10-17 15:13

Have you ever heard the story of Yang yongxin ?

Riz 2016-10-17 13:20

As foreigners in China, the internet is the only way to communicate as it's hard to find social life outside due to language deficiency. There are eBooks, and lectures, seminars on the net which help me gain knowledge. I feel bad for the Dutch guy though.

parcher 2016-10-16 20:53

Since coming to china to work,  I definitely have increased the hours I spend on the computer. I never used to bother with it back in the uk, but I was always out socializing most evenings, and busy at work during the day. I spend way too much time on Chinadaily, and can never stop checking the news around the world  .......I guess its not so bad at my age, but I can understand parents who worry about their kids being addicted to the computer. These online dating sites are evil as we saw recently when a dutch man travelled from Holland to Changsha hoping to meet his internet love!! after 9 days sleeping in the airport she never showed up, and he was taking to hospital after falling very ill.