

Humility-It's Beautiful!

There are a few things in life which we don’t choose because we’re born with them. For example, place of birth, race, color of the skin, religion or belief, nationality, name, parents etc.

And, there are a lot of things we which can choose, as we grow up and begin to see life differently. We can change our character and improve our self in education, attitude and behavior. We can improve our looks by keeping an exercise routine and healthy diet. We can choose to be A Giver, a compassionate person, a loving-kind individual, who’s always ready to give a helping hand to the one who needs that, offering a one- time meal to the hungry. It’s our choice to leave the chair for elderly, let the lady go first and hold the door for her. It doesn’t take a million bucks to smile first when eyes meet eyes on the way to work. It feels good to say, ‘Ni hao’,’ Hello’, ‘Good Morning’ to a stranger.

Happiness, right? You’re looking for happiness. We all are. Happiness lies in giving. Give what you can. It comes back in abundance. if not immediately, but soon. most things do not cost money, but words and kind actions, just little bit loving gestures, a touch, a hugs, a smile, saying what you want to hear….it’s simple. It’s just a matter of choice.

Drop the ego. It stops the life, coming to you.

Your nationality, skin color, your faith and religion, the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the house you live in, the money in your bank are also important. But You! You’re above all that. You are precious! Choose humility. It is remembered when we leave here.



HailChina! 2016-11-06 04:39

Didnt I just read you telling people to get an education and then they will be able to attract "whatever they want"? Am I going to need an education and humility? Jesus Christ. 

Dont you have a bit of an ego to be telling people what to do?

Are you some kind of self-help guru or something are you?

Riz 2016-10-13 21:25

Narcissism is a mental condition while humility is not.

Blondie 2016-10-13 17:45

There is a difference between being humble and false humility, which is just for 'face'.
Humility does not draw attention to itself, often acting anonymously.
If you need others to know how 'humble' or 'modest' you are, this is not the true virtue, but a form or narcissism.

Riz 2016-10-11 02:23

Thank you!