Life is a chance. It depends upon how we avail this chance. It depends if we choose to live in the comfort zone and settle in at a phase where we keep complaining, moaning and groaning but we never make a move to get out of that zone which is killing us every day and night. There’re only two ways. Either we’re living the life or the life is living us. Most of us break promises which we make to our self. We decide on starting a new hobby, habit but when the time comes, we back off and put it off on ‘I will start it later’. Then this ‘later’ brings in more ‘laters’ and it becomes a never ending cycle until we forget that we had decided on doing it. This breaks our self-esteem, trust in us, and it invites anxiety, frustration, anger and a sense of un-fulfillment deep down our soul.
When soul is dissatisfied, what else is there?
Procrastination is a killer of dreams. It damages
self-respect when we find our self breaking those promises that we make to us.
Life begins to change, when we chase the words we say to our self. It’s a war
within. No one will fight it for us. You’ve got to be a warrior to fight this
war. The enemy is not out there. It’s inside us. Notice the rituals you do
every day. Slow but consistent, that’s the game! That emptiness replaces happiness;
your fake smile turns to genuine one. That’s beautiful! Isn’t it? Be at your command; parent yourself because
your life depends on it. Set short, achievable goals, and keep on achieving
them. You’ll be happy. Love more, work hard, and play harder. Leave toxic
people and relationships and surround yourself with the people who bring out
the best in you, love you and know you.