

How long can you memorize a foreign word

How long can you memorize a foreign word when you learn a foreign language? I can memorize it in five minutes. However, I forget it in the next 10 minutes. When the next time I see it in an article or news, I can’t get the meaning of it so that I have to look up the dictionary again. Nowadays’ technology has gone beyond recognition but to memorize a foreign word we have to apply to primitive method which is to repeat memorizing it again and again. The more times you memorize a foreign word, the longer next time you repeat memorizing it. I think we all wish we could plant into our brain a chip that can store all the foreign words we need so that once we need them we just draw the data out, for example like using a computer or like the movie in which they are able to gain martial skill from the chips planted into their brains in time of needs.

For the time being, we can’t see the silver lining. As a result of it, many people find memorizing words boring, for the repetitive process is dull. Is there a creative method for it? In my view, there are a few little easier ways, such as memorizing words from an interesting article or from a video that you like. Not only does it stimulate your brain, it can to some extent add your interest in memorizing them, although the next time you meet these words you might still not remember them. As a matter of fact, no one can have a flat sail when they want to learn a foreign language. Sometimes you may slog through memorizing words, feeling frustrated when you can’t remember them. You are on your mettle when it comes to this. To decide whether to keep on or to give up, you have the call. However, we should know frustration comes out from expectation. In regard to reducing frustration, we have to lower our expectations. If we make a goal to memorize 100 new words a day, for example, at the end of the day, you might very likely to feel frustrated. Rather than setting high goals, we need more perseverance when our task is to memorize new words. We can’t memorize 100 words a day but we can finish it by dividing them into small quantities and putting them into a few days, for example, memorize 10 words a day and keep doing so over 10 days.

The last but not the least, you need using the words, if not, they will fade away like a morning dew evaporates. By using them, it deepens the impression in your brain. You can use them in many ways, either in reading, writing, speaking or listening. There are many other tips you can get for memorizing words, either from the internet or from your teachers. What we need is to put them into practice. After all, these tips don’t belong to you unless you use them.


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