

What was I doing these days?

Finally, by the way “finally” is the word that I have saved in Doc. since Monday this week. Thanks to my procrastination, my neck and my 9-day trip. If I hadn’t had this trip, I would have written one or two blogs at least. What’s done has been done, for nothing can buy it back and nothing useful for regret.

First of all, my procrastination has delayed my will to write something, although I have decided to make a report when I came back from my trip. Because of my unlucky neck, I have the very excuse to procrastinate. So on Monday, I was thinking about writing this blog the next day. And when Tuesday came, I was thinking about writing it the day after Tuesday. It goes like this so that until now, I haven’t written so much except one word “finally”. What did I do these days? I was re-attracted by the game Hearthstone because my wife was not in the same apartment with me. She went back to her hometown for a tribute to her past mother and for staying with her brother and her father, for they are not often at home. They have business in Shenzhen the very south city of China. Each year she can meet them for only two times, one is in spring festival and the other is in summer. Without her supervision, I am totally free, too free to fulfill my everyday life. In these days, I slept late, ate carelessly and stayed with the game for too long. If there were someone to blame, it would be me, not my wife. My procrastination in my inner mind came out by finding some unreliable excuses. Now, I am releasing my mountain giant to banish it away, hah.

Then it comes to my neck. What is wrong with my neck? For driving all the way forth and back and without proper rest, the pillow became the last straw for my sore neck. It is so badly ill that I couldn’t move my neck a little and plus it is very hurt. I can’t lie down by myself, nor could I get up by myself. All these needed my wife’s help at that days. She bought for me a lot of medicine but they didn’t work. The last resort was to see a doctor. I took a NMR in the hospital. During that process, I could hardly lie on the machinery, and when it sent me to a large hollow metal ball, my ears heard some fitful noise coming from that. Fortunately, my bone was not injured and only the muscle surrounds my neck was strained. The doctor prescribed some exported medicine for me; by the way it is much too expensive including the NMR. And apart from that, I had to have some rest. That means I can’t normally do routines that I always do everyday like learning English. So I lay in bed for some days, and if possible I watched some English TV program such as Conan Show and stand-up comedy. I also got a massage using magnetic light which is a kind of medical apparatus. Good news is it is getting much better now, my neck can move forward and backward, right and left, although at some angle it still pains a little.

The last one is about my trip. In fact, it didn’t take 9 days, only 5 days actually. I think you have already known the reason for that. I drove 700 kilometers more or less to the city of Qinhuangdao. There is one thing I want to mention along the way, and that is the G1 high speed way that the section from Jinzhou to Qinhuangdao is too crowed and its surface is not even except the lane on the far left. There are so many big trucks on this high speed way due to it is the only way by land to connect the northeast with the other part of China. Anyway, we safely arrived at our first stop Xingcheng in the evening of the first day. Our main purpose was seeing the sea face to face. So the beach in Xingcheng is the resort listing in our plan. The next day with light rain we rambled on the beach. It is for the first time to my wife to see the sea in summer because the last time that we saw the sea in Dalian was in winter. The sand on the beach is OK but on it litter is here and there. I picked up a steel stick with a sharp point buried in the sand. I can imagine the harm that is caused by this stick once someone stands on it with their bare foot. The one who tossed this stick must be criticized.

To be continued……


AndrewCraven 2016-08-19 14:38

My pleasure. Have a nice day!  

voice_cd 2016-08-19 14:17

thanks for sharing such a good topic, old friend, we have highlighted it.