

Facing the stigma of your origin
2016-08-13 One of the biggest social problems of modern society is dealing with the stigma of one's origin. More often than not, we are judged in one way or the other basing on random facts about where we come from. These random facts are usually found in media - almost unavoidable nowadays - as we struggle between being who we are and faking a different look, appearance and behavior for the sake of the society we live in, dominated by prejudiced persons. One of my favorite novelist on this topic Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie calls it "The Danger of a Single Story." She has a great video about it on TED Talks.

The pride of one's origin is one of the most powerful motivational drive when we do whatever we do. Hurting, belittling, talking negatively about that source of pride, consciously or unconsciously therefore is one of the most destructive things that can be done to any human being. Unfortunately, the almighty media that rules the world we live in today, takes the lead in the stigmatization of human beings and their origins through negative news headlines that dominate almost everything we read, listen to and watch in contemporary society.

Stigmatization is not limited to one's ethnicity. It embodies other aspects like the physical, mental and psychological disabilities of certain persons, their religions, their social status, marital status, gender, etc. It spans across all aspects of society. As you read this blog you are probably a victim of stigmatization or guilty. Judging someone as a terrorist because he or she comes from the same country as a terrorist recently shown on TV is a manifestation of ignorance and prejudice. We have established stereotypes every where around us that hurt the very society that we live in and want to make better.

In anger, many victims often react by stigmatizing the offender. Two wrongs do not make a right. As a victim of stigmatization, one other thing you should not do is to run away. In the eyes of your offender, that is a sign that he or she is right. Always educate and enlighten your offender on how wrong they are. When facing the stigma of your origin, take it as an opportunity to prove the offender wrong by doing what he or she thought you couldn't do.

Every human being is unique with a good and a bad side. Every country is unique with a good and a bad side. We should learn to balance our thoughts before we judge people we meet in our daily lives.


Liononthehunt 2017-01-06 14:39

The Brexit and the election in the US just indicate you can't escape nationalism which is in some sense synonymous with patriotism . Politicians need to take advantage of those sentiments to fulfill their individual ambitions.

teamkrejados 2016-09-28 20:39

Let's let go of this dangerous Nationalism/patriotism. Let's just all be global citizens, shall we?