

9 day vacation

Tomorrow is the start of a successive-9-day leave within payment for me. Nine days’ leave which is so rare for me is the longest days that are available for me to have a trip, which is even longer than my wedding leave. In fact, during my wedding, I took two weeks’ leave, but only 7 days left for me to honeymoon and the other 7 days for the ritual. So as a normal citizen, where to get the most of these nine days is a question for me. I have to make it economical and fulfilling. How to do now?

Like which movie to watch, where to have dinner or how to consume a weekend, it is hard when it comes to decide where to go for a trip as you have no clue before. Making that decision needs time, like you choose which T-shirt to buy, which clothes is your most favorite. It seems a waste of your time and energy to me. It really does. The only clue that my wife gave to me is that she wants to see the sea. That’s all. And as far as I know, the places which are the closest to me are option A--Dalian, and option B--Beidaihe. They are all 700 kilometers further from us. Which transportation can I use? Options are by car, train or bus? I prefer driving there to taking the other two. But the days are so hot these days. That is the only bad news; anyway it is better than a cold winter leave.

Where to live and where to eat? I think as the trip gets on, the answers will be given to me. I don’t like travelling around. As it to me, it is like moving your body miles away to see the scenery which you can see the like in your place. You want to see a sea, you can see the lake, to me they are likely the same. You want to experience a different culture, you can see the photos or read books in which the culture is elaborately recorded. It is no use of wasting your life to see the real objects in eyes when they are available to get in photos or books.

I do this for her. If not, I would spend these days staying inside my hot and wet apartment watching Olympics or learning more English. That is called vacation of my style. Ha-Ha, are you in this kind? What is your way to consume a holiday? I suppose many of you would have different opinions.

That’s all for today’s blog. I will give a report on this vacation after or during it. Wish me good luck. Peace out.


bigfish 2016-08-14 22:18

    have your wife read your blog? i hope not. she may throw a fit if she saw this.
i don't agree with you. the true experience you have when you step out of your house and really get into the nature is quite different from the book you read. no matter how wonderful the books have described, the descriptions are the author's not yours. suppose that you are reading a book about how to swim and you learn all the methods in mind , are you sure you can become a good swimmer when you get into the water? you have learn in the water for some time before you finally become a good swimmer..so i think the true experience of our own is important and can not be replaced.
well, actually i understand people of your types. you are maybe a indoorsman. you enjoy your peaceful life. i am also sometimes this kind of people, but if i have the chance to travel i will welcome it and enjoy it, though it maybe a little tired in the end.

AndrewCraven 2016-08-13 14:51

Yes. It is not easy to go out in these hot days.

AndrewCraven 2016-08-13 14:50

thanks, wish you a great day.

voice_cd 2016-08-11 16:48

we have highlighted your blog. thanks for sharing it here.

Chengking 2016-08-05 20:48

If the choice is between Dalian or Beidaihe, I would choose the latter as there are just more places to visit and things to do. But if it is entirely up to me I would just chill out at home.