

Stay in Peace

A few days ago, I saw how my 3-year-old daughter tortured her toy. At first I showed her how the toy worked. Then I handed it to her. She held the toy and tried several times but it didn’t work in a correct way. With whining, she flings it to the floor with all her strength. I was shocked at the moment. How can a little girl do so in such a young age? But it is not finishing. She then turns aside and pushes the door hard letting it hit against the wall. After a few “bang bang” sounds, I shouted at her loudly and stopped her. She still cried. What I did was just embracing her and calming her down. She sit on my legs, one arm held my back, the other swept her tears. I told her:” Anger doesn’t make things right. It just doesn’t make any sense. Worse than that, your toy is broken now. I tell you what to do when next time you face the same problem. Just keep calm and use your brain. Sometimes it doesn’t work out for the first time. Then you have to try many times until you know how to use it. Don’t you feel regretful that your toy is broken now and you can’t play it any more?” She nodded strongly. I was surprised that she can understand what I said. But anyway that is not the point. The point is that it looks like anger is in us when we were born or at least before we were 3 years old according to the thing happening to my daughter. It has a strong power to destroy things.

I don’t remember who said this:” count three, before you say.” Sometimes it works, especially when we are in anger. Just put your action in delay when you are angry. Let your brain work for a while before you say or do something at the moment. It will help. And what is more important is keeping in peace and cooling your brain at the most period of your life. Something trivial doesn’t deserve your anger, furthermore to distract your attention. Han Xin, a famous general as we know, crawled between the butcher’s legs when he was poor. We all know that story. But we need to re-read it again in English if possible. It lies in big principle. Anger is never a priority to apply to our lives. I love our national anthem, which sings like” getting up, the ones who don’t want to be slaves, we are in a critical time.” I think even at that time, their minds are clear, their heads are cool. If anything, anger is the last resort to use.

Nevertheless, at the most time, please stay in peace. You would have a peaceful mind and a clear vision on everything. Anger is just like a dye that oftentimes changes the color of what the world really is.


Riz 2016-09-30 21:21

Anger is a fire that burns its carrier as well its surrounding. it's an extremely negative energy, must avoided. Count to three rule, leave the place, change posture, do whatever you can, before it's late. " Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned."(Buddha)