

What do you think about the fate of the traditional Chinese medicine?

The traditional Chinese medicine has a long history in China. We can trace back to 6000 years ago. It was an age of Shen Nung in Chinese history. Up to now there are many doctors treating the sick in the way of the traditional Chinese medicine all over China. Doctors will give you a prescription after a diagnosis, in which there are a certain amount of traditional Chinese medical materials. It will be given according to a patient’s situation. In other words, they are dry original materials collected from nature without being processed.

The Chinese medicine started to be effected by the medicine from the west can be dated back to 100 years ago. Before that all Chinese were used to the treating way of the traditional Chinese medicine. So anything that can exist has a reason.

However, today the traditional Chinese medicine faces a great challenge. It is not about how many people trust it or not, but the materials themselves. The materials to be used as a medicine should be collected from nature. But now many of them are grown by human. In other words, those plants that are planted by human might not grow in a natural way. Besides, human might use some chemical fertilizers to make it grow faster. It is a bad effect to its medical efficiency.

The fate of the traditional medicine relies on how many medical materials we have from nature. The more expanding for human’s territory we do, the less space we will have for the traditional Chinese medial materials. Today if we want to save the traditional Chinese medicine, we still have time and space.


Blondie 2016-07-09 16:04

Not if the doctor is so incompetent to prescribe a drip for a minor complaint, or prescribes unnecessary medication. 

Chinese doctors over-use antibiotics to a horrifying degree that they will be useless within our life-time.

But I still don't understand why the other extreme of quackery is still promoted as medical solutions to dietary and other lifestyle problems.

samlam 2016-07-07 19:30

You should follow doctor's advice.

samlam 2016-07-07 19:29

You should follow doctor's advice.

samlam 2016-07-07 19:27

Some of the traditional medicine comes from animals . It  should be blamed to use animals. Plants are more widely used .

Blondie 2016-07-07 15:30

I would love to know how TCM justifies the illegal killing of endangered animals for the use of their body parts when there is no scientific basis for their so-called medicinal properties.
Rhino horn - responsible for most of the poaching of rhinos
Bear paws and bile.
Tiger parts.

trade in these animal parts are illegal under CITES, yet China still tacitly encourages their use under the umbrella of 'tradition'.

Blondie 2016-07-06 23:11

My health is my responsibility, so I have had to learn about my health options while in China, many have which have shocked me, like the abuse of antibiotics through the automatic use of drips in China for minor ailments.
This over-use of such medication, and the uncontrolled unregulated use of antibiotics in food production, will have a long term disastrous effect on general health.

I also have an on-going interest in general health and well-being so knowing the source of contaminant-free food is essential wherever I am.

samlam 2016-07-06 16:15

Thank you very much. You are very familiar with the traditional Chinese medicine.

Dracarys 2016-07-05 18:03

Traditional Chinese Medicine is good .. but our food security system is not good or you can say is bad right now..  So I guess what about medicine?

samlam 2016-07-05 12:26

Thank you very much