

The Brexit. CNN BBC. King Henry VIII
2016-07-04 The Brexit was 2 weeks ago but the world still hasn’t gotten over the shock.

Why’d they do it? What going to happen now? What does it mean for the future of Britain, Europe, and by extension - the West as a whole?

Inquiring minds want to know.

There are not a lot of answers so far because, let’s face it, no one truly knows how this will all turn out. Anyone who thinks they know is just guessing.

Most in the media seem to think it’s all going to be a big disaster. Maybe they’re right. Maybe they’re wrong.

But for me, I have faith in Britain, my country's mother country. Let’s not forget this isn’t the only time Britannia has gone her own way against the wishes and expectations of the rest of Europe.

500 years ago King Henry the 8th decided that Europe was Europe and England was England. He did his own 16th century version of the Brexit and pulled away from the Pope’s centralized leadership in Rome.

He may have done it for small and personal reasons - the fact that he wanted to divorce his lawful wife and replace her with a younger hotter wife.

But this small reason created big implications, because at that moment, England stood alone. Leadership was needed.

If CNN or the BBC existed back then, they likely would have been predicting doom and gloom just like they are now.

However, the fact is, things did work out. King Henry got his new wife, and then another, and then another, and then…well we all know the story.

His daughter Queen Elizabeth crushed the Spanish Armada. England became Great Britain. And Great Britain became one of the most influential countries in all of human history.

Needless to say, that first Brexit was a resounding success.

Will something like that happen this time? Who knows. So far we must admit - it doesn’t look good.

King Henry may have been a womanizer but he was a strong and decisive leader. And neither Nigel Farage nor Boris Johnson appear to be made of the stern-type-of-stuff that produced great queens like Elizabeth or strong prime ministers like Churchill and Thatcher.

At moments like this, a country needs leadership. The UK appears adrift.

But again, I believe in the country of Shakespeare and Adam Smith. They’ll pull through. How? I’ve no idea. But it will be interesting to watch as the history is surely to unfold right before our eyes.


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