

A new ranking of the costliest cities for living in the world

A new ranking of the costliest cities for living in the world had been released. HK becomes No. one. Shanghai ranks No. 7 and Beijing is No. 10 in the list. Surprisingly, among the top ten cities, Asia occupies a half. China has three. Compared with the people in the western countries about life, people in the east live a lower income life. China is still one of the developing countries, but there are three the costliest cities.

The same survey based on the same data has been carrying out for 22 years. The statistic includes more than 200 items from housing, traffic, coffee, to beer, almost any basic elements for life which supports a person’s life in a city. Among the cost, house renting is a key data, which must be up to the international standard. In other words, the house you rent is in a suitable community when it is taken as a sample.

When you are living in the costliest city what do you think about it? What does this list tell us? Do you have any ideas about it?


Dracarys 2016-06-26 20:45

London is the one ..

samlam 2016-06-24 10:40

Thank you very much.

voice_cd 2016-06-24 10:24

Thanks for sharing your story here, we have highlighted it.