Some time ago I wrote about my worries concerning so called "reality" television in the west. I will not repeat my comments but you can find them yourselves; "Western Reality programmes hit a new low."
I advocate freedom of speech that is open and honest, to include all the wide spectrum of the media. However I also am aware of the effects of media on an audience. I have little time for those who abuse the right of free speech with offensive, abusive or irrational comments.
Once again I am in the UK for a short break and am even more astounded at the depths to which UK television has reached. In the "reality" programmes that are supposed to reflect real life (but clearly do not) we are able to witness even more graphic examples of swearing and sex, nudity and ignorance. These programmes are very popular as they appeal to the lowest common denominator and the basest instincts of humans. A viewer can ridicule the participants, and revel in their antics in and out of bed.
The outcome of all this is a numbing of the senses and a view of "reality" that is severely and dangerously distorted. The programmes are aimed at the most vulnerable of society, and are able to be watched by children as everyone has facilities to record and playback. In order to further sensationalise these programmes and maintain public interest, the only place left is to start showing rape and violence as part of this "reality"...... maybe next year?
American film makers have been guilty of this for many years. Many popular films rely on filthy language and gratuitous violence and sex.
At some point there must be educated, moral and sensible people who monitor and fairly judge media content. If not society degenerates into chaos and depravity. If China can supervise the media to ensure the constructive development of society that is good; not banning everything but guiding.
Now, I must not miss Big Brother tonight because I want to see who ends up in bed with the blond whose big breasts we saw in the last episode. I wish I could swear like her. Well, it's all on TV so it must be true.