

Seeking Help in Uncovering Aspects of Ancient China
2016-06-20 Hello People,
This is very unusual post. There can be no better place than this one in asking for some help in uncovering historical past of China. I have been a bit curious about the following topics and like to study more. But, I seemed to have difficulty in finding a proper material to read over internet.

> Healthcare system in ancient China: Were there any hospitals? Were there any institutions dedicated to train the Doctors or anyone else of the similar ranks?
> Messaging services: Were there any post offices like we have today? Was there any other system in place? How people used to communicate with each other?

There are many more areas to ask, but that may be later. Can I get some help on these topics from any one of you? Please provide any information in the comment sections or directly message me.
Looking forward!


seanboyce88 2016-06-23 23:25

yeah me too, bing or yahoo. Both are decent substitutes

enlighting 2016-06-23 21:19

Thanks. I will have a look on it.

AndrewCraven 2016-06-23 18:50

yes, I am sick and tired of that too. Thanks for Introducing yahoo. I use bing.com sometimes.

seanboyce88 2016-06-23 18:33

baidu hinders a lot, business, education and even health according to recent news. 

When China blocked vpns during the anniversary parade last year, businesses across the country were complaining that they couldn't function without google. Baidu isn't even a poor duplicate, it is simply an utterly dire search engine.

Blondie 2016-06-23 16:06

It is a shame that such historical and interesting information is not so easily accessible.
This hinders education.

seanboyce88 2016-06-23 16:03

in china I try using yahoo If I have no access to google, because baidu never gives you the website you are looking for. Its always baidu zhidao or something else

AndrewCraven 2016-06-23 15:59

I have the same puzzling questions, Chinese search engines can't give you an authoritative website for details of these questions. Searching results are crammed either by BAIDU ZHIDAO or by ZHIHU, or some like that.

Blondie 2016-06-22 16:13

Marco Polo's book gives a fairly detailed description of the communication system of the time, amongst other things.
Any good search engine should be able to give you some links, or even a PDF copy of his book.
As it was written 700 years ago, copyright would not be an issue.

enlighting 2016-06-22 13:28

Thanks. Is there something in the official websites? or the university researchers explored it?

Blondie 2016-06-22 01:54

Search for information on Marco Polo's travels in China, if you can.
He does mention an official Imperial messaging service that he encountered while in China.

Although there is some doubt if he actually witnessed all of the things he wrote about, he could be a source to search for other travellers to China who recorded their experiences.