

experiencing a profound lesson

Experiencing a profound lesson

There was a casual incident which has changed my many false realization . This accident makes me sad ,agrony and deep self-accusation . Ancient proverb say that a fall in a pit ,a gain in your wit. However this great torture is the most important and severe event which I have experienced by the present in my life . Some lawish thought thinness and basic judge lack hardly give me irreversible consequence . I shoud have absorbed the deep lesson from this incident ,say good-bye to the past with the determine attitude , begin to start my future life afreshly .

Base on this lesson ,I have obtained some viewpoints .

1. You must have basic legal concept and rational knowledge . Law.ration and moral shoud became my common view which are adhered to at all times .

2. Education background can’t represent capacitywhat you have plenty of knowledges can’t explain you must have high level .If you read plenty of books inflexibly ,you can’t acquire useful knowledges ,so you will become bookcase . Books don’t lie in reading more , they lie in intensive reading ,thorough thoughts and flexible use .

3. Once bitten ,twice shy .You shoud make sincere attitude and tough will to attain the promise which you have made . where a man can’t fall down twice .


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