

The Keys to Achieving Your Goal - My Story
My Story:
When I was a child about 9 or 10, I dreamed of becoming good at ballet - really good. I dreamed of doing the splits both ways and doing many special tricks with my flexibility. The problem, however, was that I was doing absolutely NOTHING to try to make those dreams come true. Being a very inflexible girl that could barely touch her toes, all I did was think about becoming this skilled at gymnastics and ballet.
I told my mother and father about these dreams of mine, and they immediately signed me up to the best ballet classes they could find where we lived. I was to have classes three times a week for one hour.
I began training everyday at home; I bought an extra pair of ballet slippers for training, a stretching elastic, and many other special practice tools.
So, after about four or five months of stretching I was able to do the splits the front way. This was a big achievement for me, as when I had started stretching I was nowhere close to doing them.
As for my ballet, it was hard for me; I was 11, and I had to have classes with very little girls half my age at the beginning, as I had actually started classes quite late. But after a year or so, I was already in class with girls older than me.
NOW, a few years later from that beginning, I am in the most advanced ballet class at my ballet school, I am dancing on pointe, which was always my dream, and I am really happy with myself. However, there are always places for improvement, like I have to learn to do the splits horizontally, which I cannot do yet.
Keys to Achieving Your Goal:
  • Instead of just dreaming of achieving your goal, WORK and DO things to achieve it.
  • Talk to people who you care about, and they will help you achieve your goal.
  • Don't give up at the very beginning; no beginner is the best.
  • PRACTICE. Practice everyday, as much as you can.
  • When you achieve your goal, keep working on it, so you never lose it. (When I did the splits and I stopped training for a few weeks, I had to catch up until I could do them again.)
  • When you reach your goal, remember that YOU CAN ALWAYS STILL IMPROVE.
  • PERSEVERE, NEVER GIVE UP, and I wish you luck in achieving your goal!


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