

2016-03-21 Ballet is a beautiful style of dance and an art that started in the 15th century, and developed in Russia.
Today, ballet is practiced in so many countries, and it is an art that should carry on for hundreds of years.
Ballet is most prominent and prestigious in Russia, and the best ballet schools in Russia and in the world include, the Vaganova Academy of Ballet, the Russian Imperial Ballet Academy, and more.
Some modern-day ballet stars include, Svetlana Zakharova, Nikolay Tsiskaridze, Maria Alexandrova, Antonina Chapkina, Jacopo Tissi, and more. Some ballet stars from history are, Anna Pavlova, Violetta Bovt, Natalia Dudinskaya, and Catherina Chislova.
Probably the most influential composer for ballet pieces is Piotr I. Tchaikovsky, who composed the music for famous ballets such as Swan Lake, the Nutracker, and more.
If you are interested in seeing beautiful ballets, I strongly recommend you to visit the Teatro alla Scala Opera House (which I will mention in my next blog) and the Russian Imperial Ballet State Theatre, as well as other large Russian ballet theaters and ballet theaters in many other countries.
Please note that the above statements are my opinion, and please do not comment if you have negative things to say, unless it is feedback that will be found useful. Thank you very much!


aixi 2016-03-22 20:53

No problem.

seanboyce88 2016-03-22 09:51

yes you did say developed in Russia, apologies. I misread that.

aixi 2016-03-22 01:21

I urge you to reread my blog. I did not state that ballet originated in Russia, and I am well aware of the fact that it did not start there. 
It was, however, strongly influenced in Russia.
I am also well aware of the fact that everyone likes something different, and in my opinion the best ballet is in Russia. I didn't say that you HAVE to favor Russian ballet, and I personally enjoy Italian ballet as well.

seanboyce88 2016-03-21 13:31

As for useful feedback:

From what I read, Ballet originated in Italy, spread to France and then Russia...I don't know where you read that it originated in Russia. The word itself is French, coming from the Italian balletto.

You also have a very objective view of ballet claiming Russian is the best, there exists many styles of Ballet, some of which the russian schools do not excel at. It depends what Style of ballet you personally like and what you believe to look good. You cannot simply objectively state one is better, half the beauty of the arts is how subjective they are, everyone likes something different.

voice_cd 2016-03-21 08:35

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