


Everyone has his or her own views on the word “inequity”. Few of us can find proper solutions to deal with it.

Nearly half a million children die of hunger or various diseases in Africa. How can we find practical ways to help those poor children? We have to admit that what Bill Gates has said is true: It is full of complexity. However, we have to and we should cutting through the complexity in order to find solutions to the problem. Some help might have been given to them while there are still much more in need. We cannot pay too more caring to their harsh situations. Sometimes we have to wonder that why humans have to bear inequities and how we can prevent it from being like this.

Some people may think that “Inequity has been with us from the very beginning and it will go on here together with us in the future. There is no possibilities to prevent it.” I do not agree this opinion. I am strongly behind the appealing of Bill Gates when he was giving his speech in Harvard. “Do not let complexity stop you. Be activists. Take on the big inequities and you will gain a great experience in your lives”.

His appealing can arouse the spirit of this modern society in which science and technology are developing at such a rapid speed that no one could ever imagine. The great brains in this modern society should deepen their research and try to find practical solutions to those preventable deaths. Lives are all equal even if some of them are faced up with diseases or hunger or any other hardship. They all deserve respect and awe from everyone of us. They should not be condemned to the bottom of lives, desperately and helplessly. We should hurl our time and energy into the holy and lofty cause of philanthropy where every poor life in need can share hope and help. We clearly know that this cause is no easy thing. It requests not only materials but also mental efforts while the latter is of great importance. Material and mental supports can help those in need to gain a ray of hope in desperation and helplessness. It is exactly this ray of hope that can bring them liveliness and energy that will sustain them in their lives.

Everyone is making a living in a different way. Those who are inferior in social status or possessions should not be diminished, because they have still the spirit of striving for what they long for despite the lack of materials or opportunities. They will have much confidence in themselves that will provide them with the energy and power of going forward no matter how hard or harsh life is or life will be in all the coming days. Maybe to a certain extent, we can say that it is this “inequity” that has endowed them with that strength and resistance which enable them to overcome all kinds of difficulties and setbacks till dreams come true in the future.

From those to whom much is given, much is still needed.


sharoncuizz 2016-02-26 21:50

These are good points. Inequity does exist, maybe from the very beginning of human life.

sharoncuizz 2016-02-26 21:48

Yes, that's true.

Dr.Bill.Shen 2016-02-25 12:26

if you ask economists, the inequality of wealth distribution is the very force eventually responsible for all human progresses. the desire for possessing more than others is part of human nature given humans being biologically mammal. every breakthrough in technology creates inequality in wealth. there is nothing wrong with that provided we do have a fairness of rules applied to everyone.

saver 2016-02-24 21:51

life is not easy,we must face it ,there is way in any time