

A kind of attitude to life

I came to know one of my classmates in the first German course of this new semester. Her name is Paola, and if I’m not mistaken, she came to our previous class two months ago in the halfway during last semester. However, it was only by then (days ago) I’m getting to know more about her. There are always people coming and going in this kind of language class. So the topic in the first lesson for this semester is to not only make a self-introduction, but also an introduction of someone you’ve already talked with to the whole class.

It seems to me the German dialogue for beginners are not so respectful to and protective of people’s personal things, because according to the textbook, students can even ask each other about one's age, marriage, employment and so on, while which are seldom being asked in an English conversation. Unfortunately we had to ask all these questions listed on the textbook one by one. Finally, it turned out to me really not a pleasant dialogue with Paola, but indeed a very impressive one.

It was getting a little bit embarrassing when I asked about her age and got the answer of 52 years old. Then I got even more uncomfortable when I continued with the question on her marriage state while got the answer ‘’yes’ but that her husband passed away years ago. I felt so sorry and couldn’t find more words to say, because we are even not acquaintances. But she was such a nice person, and she further told me in German that she had a daughter, by pointing to a young lady who was practicing the same dialogue with another classmate. As our talk continued, I knew more about her. She is from Portugal, and she can speak a little bit English. She moved here with her daughter two years ago because her son-in-law got a job in Switzerland. Now both mother and daughter are unemployed and are in a German course. Later I introduced Paola in front of the class, and everyone was shocked by her experience and courage.

We are all foreigners in this German class. We attend the language courses because of different reasons. As to me, I come for knowing better of my daughter, for better communicating with her educators, with her friends, and her friends’ parents. As to most people from the EU countries without any professions, it’s impossible for them to get a job here without knowing the local language. As to the common people, to survive here means to master the local language first.

And Paola teaches me that we are never too old to learn. She shows to us her courage and effort for an independent new life. I can’t agree more with her. We are never too old to learn and to change. This is a kind of attitude I should bear also, and which I would like to show to the generation of our parents. I always hear voices like 'I'm old, that's it' from them. With this negative attitude they refuse to learn new things and refuse to change, therefore the gap between the two generations getting greater. How about following Paola’s way, just thinking positively?! Things will get different and better.

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Judy_ZHu 2016-09-04 04:32

I'm happy that it helps. Thanks!

Funny-boy 2016-06-13 09:00

Nice article is worthy to me to read more than one time, it give me more positive attitude and right way to further work and life. thank indeed.

Judy_ZHu 2016-02-23 17:15

And thanks all for your time and visit and flowers!

Judy_ZHu 2016-02-23 17:14

Thanks a lot for introducing more about the background related knowledge. That's important for me for learning a new language. I also discussed with my colleague about it, and they told me something, like classmates are a different group than strangers, and never ask about salary things etc.. Thanks a lot!

Judy_ZHu 2016-02-23 17:11

Yes, keep learning and improve ourselves:)

Judy_ZHu 2016-02-23 17:10

Emm, mother tongue only. As to English, I practice it in a daily use. While as to German, I never imagine one day I can write with it. So it's only a plus. But anyway, thanks a lot for your warm words!

Judy_ZHu 2016-02-23 17:07

Thanks a lot for recommendation!

Judy_ZHu 2016-02-23 17:07

Yes, that's exactly essentially what we need.

voice_cd 2016-02-21 13:44

we recommended your blog to the homepage. Thanks for sharing here.

snowipine 2016-02-21 00:33

You have mastered at least three languages, great.