


This morning on the way to my workplace, I was stopped by an old woman. I was told that she and her husband had not eaten anything for the whole day and she asked me to give her some money to buy a bowl of noodles. I felt very sorry for their starvation and I thought I should show my sympathy to them. So I did not hesitate to take my purse out of my handbag and was to give them all the money I had in it. However, I only had about ten yuan. It was just at the moment when I extended my hand to the old woman with the money, I was stopped by two of my colleagues. They told me in secret that they were liars and not to give money to them. I was very confused then and did not know whether I should give some money to the old couple or not. Finally, I took my colleagues’ advise and put the money back into my purse and then left for work.

Later they told me that that old couple had been doing this for a long time and they had run into them. They always tended to ask young girls for money, because young girls often show sympathy easily. To he honest, I was really stunned by this thing. I even begin to wonder why the old couple are doing this and why my colleagues know all about this. I was then to be said innocent enough to believe their words. Who can tell me whether I should believe them or doubt them?

To say it plainly, I know some of these kinds of behaviors are deceptive. Some people did this or are doing this only for money. However, we have to admit that there actually are some people who are really in need not only for money but also others’ sympathy and care. We should not deny all of their such kinds of behaviors. We have to learn to believe someone, especially those who are weak and in need for our kindness and help. We are all living in this world which can merely be said to a material world. In this world, “trust” is the exact factor that it is lacking more and more. How can it be so hard for us to believe others especially strangers? Are we only caring about ourselves and neglecting others’ agony? We all know sometimes it’s hard or even to some extent miserable for us to live in this world. But how can we not understand others who are in need?

How I wish I could have enough money to give to the poor and the weak. How I wish this world would not be so relentless. How I wish warmness, cares, sympathy can brim in this world where no one is suffering from the agonies in life. How I wish we can all live in harmony and peace and in a wonderful world which is full of trust. I wish every one can open his or her heart to others and share happiness and love together and I hope that day is not too far away.


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