


Late last night I saw a movie named Postman in the Mountain. Maybe you will find this name familiar to you. It is the rifacimento of a book with the same name written by Teng Rujun, a traditional Chinese novelist. It is a very popular book and this movie is also a big hit to all Chinese people.

It tells the story of an old postman, his son and his dog “Lao Er” which mean his second son. The old postman wants his own son to take over his job as a postman. However, his work is much more difficult than a common postman, because he has to climb over many hills and go across the mountains to get the letters to people in different villages. It is the first day for his son to work as a new postman, his successor. His father has to retire for his rheumatism. His father is worried about his son, since it’s the first trip for him. So his father decides to go with him for this only time which means it will be the last time for himself to walk that post mountain road he has walked for all the past years.

Many stories happen on their post mountain road. Father takes him to deliver a letter to a blind old woman. His father takes out the letter and begins to read for her. However, there is no a single word on it. There is also a piece of ten yuan RMB in it. The old woman thinks that the letter is from her grandson who has entered the university and his grandson really cares about her. However, later father tells his that her grandson has never come back to see her or even written a letter. I feel sympathetic about the old woman’s misfortune and also moved to tears by the old postman’s kindness and care. For so many years, the old postman has pretended to deliver letters and read them to the old woman in order to give her warmness and love. His son is also moved by his father and has decided to do as his father has always been doing for all the past years.

When they walk to another mountain village, there is a brook standing right in front of them. Father tells his son that he often walks to cross this brook with cold water which has caused the rheumatism. His son does not hesitate to wade through the brook holding the package over his head. Then he comes back to put his father on his back and carries him to the other bank of the brook. His father says that he has never enjoyed this happiness before. Later “Lao Er” brings some firewood for them to set a fire and get the shoes dried. How considerate it is. Father tells him that it has always been doing this every time he comes here.

Sometimes his son wonders why his father has to suffer so much without any payback. Why does he get nothing in return? His father has overcome all the setbacks and difficulties to deliver letters to so many mountain villages but he has never quitted all this. Instead, he loves this job, because he loves all the scenes and people here. They all love him and feel grateful to him for bringing what they really need and what have always been missing and waiting.

The mountain road is very hard to walk on. Sometimes he may get hurt or even roll down the hill once. However, it is the love for the villagers and mountains that has intrigued his passion and zeal for this special job. For him, there should not be any complaints about what he has done. The mountain roads are very hard to walk. However, if he walks in a firm footing and in a down-to-earth way, he will get to the destination in the end.

For so many years, the really person that he owes is his wife. He does not have the time to be with his wife, leaving her alone at home. She has to wait for quite a few days to meet him again. When his son is child, he does not have enough time to accompany him, care about him and love him. He wants to be at home and be with his wife and son. However, he has to take his responsibility for his job. He has to go into the deep mountains and deliver the letters to the villagers. He clearly knows that he has to give up the time of being at home and do what he really need to do.

In the movie, the old postman is educating his son and he is also teaching me how to live my own life. That post mountain road is exactly like our life. We all know that sometimes it’s difficult for us to go over a certain leg of our life journey. Sometimes we may find life is no easy thing. Nevertheless, we have to pull ourselves up and find out solutions and move forward.It also educates all of us in the relationship between parents and their children. Sometimes we may think our parents do not have enough time to be with us and care about us and we may complain about this. But we should think about them. They have been doing all they need to do to make us happy and the bring the whole family well-being. They have paid so much for us. We should all care about our parents and try to understand all their hardships. “Lao Er” in the movie stands for our friends in our life. They are sincere to us and care about us. We should stay together and love each other for good. Even there are various kinds of difficulties in our life, our friends will all be right there for us. Whenever there is danger, they will not hesitate to come to our rescue. They all the savior to us that we should treasure although our life.

That postman, that mountain and that dog have moved all of us. They love and care about each other. They are all keen to not only their job but also to their lives. They are not afraid of setbacks and hardships. They fear nothing and never quit what they need to do. They are too stubborn to stop for a rest in the benefits of others instead of themselves. However difficult the mountain roads are, they will keep walking. However hard life is, they will keep moving forward and never say “I quit”.


sharoncuizz 2016-02-17 12:41

That's true. Hope more people can learn it in old movies.

Dr.Bill.Shen 2016-02-17 11:02

a very good old movie. i liked it a lot. it is a good reflection of humility and earthiness of chinese people. we are running short of that  these days.