

Back to HOME with Contentment
2016-02-12 Today is Feburary twelfth, the twelfth day that I came back from South Korea. It is a little bit hard to believe that I can adapt to my life here so quickly. There is no network, no shopping malls, no coffee houses, but only an old TV in my house. Everyday I sweep frontyard, wash clothes, light fire and cook food. But you know what? The most surprising thing is that I do not find my life boring and tiring, even though now I am more like a village girl than the fashion girl I know at abroad.

Believe it or not, I am no longer a "cell phone zombie", who cannot live without fiddling with her phone. And young as I am, I prefer sitting next to my parents to hanging out with my friends, even sometimes aimlessly. To sum up, I used to be a adventuous person, but now I am more willing to live a common and peaceful life. It surprises my parents the most, because they thought I am the same person as I was one year ago.

Moreover, whenever my families and friends see me, they turn to comment on me, "you are maturer." I take it as part of compliment and part of criticism. On the one hand, I have become more attentive and more considerate. Instead of acting without thinking, I think before I act. On the other hand, I have become more cautious and more sophisticated. For example, I no longer do things that will do harm to me. Sometimes I feel no pity for homeless beggars or elderly people on the street. I do not trust people as easily and wholeheartedly as I did before. Sometimes I couldn't help questioning myself: Am I a Cruel Person?

After back to home, I start to ponder over the following question: What have I learnt in the past year?

Perhaps the most valuable lesson that I have learnt is how to tell right and wrong by myself. In the past, I always wanted to be independent, but more like economically independent. But in the year of 2015, I have become more psychologically independent. No matter what happened, I could trust my own decision, rather than rely on other people. I can decice what to do and what not to do, what should be done and what should not be done. I tbelieve every foreigner has the similar thoughts. Our life abroad teaches us how to live on our own, for better for worse.


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