

Something About My English Wrting
2016-02-04 Logically or illogically, there is always some reason or a particular event that may contribute to the forming of a hobby. According to this seemingly reasonable theory, my preference for English writing has a long story to tell. In the first place, I do believe that God may play a part in shaping a human being. Some people were born with a unique ability or skill that assists him to outperform others in certain tasks. Perhaps I belong to those few lucky ones who are bestowed with more gift and wisdom. I have displayed amazing writing skills even when I was a first grader in my primary school. While marking my diary, my Chinese teacher was amazed at my choice of words and complex sentence patterns, insisting that parts of my article was lifting from somewhere else, which made me both frustrated and flattered. That’s when I first discovered my special gift in writing.
Strictly speaking, it’s my father who guides me to embark onto the road of reading and writing. I was born into a scholarly family. In our old house, besides books, newspapers, and pictorials within my easy reach, what impressed me most were bundles of old books neatly arranged on the beams of our rooftop. It’s said that part of those books were passed down from older generations. On sunny days, I would pick up a book at my convenience and seat myself on a comfortable chair, assuming the posture of my father, thumbing through pages of colorful pictures. What a crazy little reader! As I attended school, I found that I had little interest in science. My poor logic thinking and reasoning ability convinced me that my brain is not programmed for science. Thereby, I dismissed my dream of being an engineer but concentrated all my attention on subjects of arts, determined that I would make a good arts student in the future. Throughout all my school years, I have been reading widely and profusely, assimilating and making notes about beautiful paragraphs and enlightening thoughts and ideas, all of which laid a solid foundation for my later writing. Meanwhile, I had tried to put down my thoughts and feelings, but not very frequently. It’s not until I took my first job in my hometown that I began to take my magical pen to fulfill my fervent passion for English writing. As I repeatedly stated above, my extensive reading with its depth and width, opens a door to a more magical world where I can weave whatever story I like without any limitation of time and space.
First, writing is a powerful way of dealing creatively and usefully with my mood. It helps me sort out my thoughts and makes my life more beautiful. Whenever I am upset or in a bad mood, I would sit down in front of my desk, staring at a pad of blank paper, thinking long and hard. After moments of adjustment, I would take up my pen and then thoughts and ideas gushed out naturally from my mind, spilling over onto my notebook as my pen moved elegantly across the paper. I put down whatever pours out of my mind and meantime by contemplating and judging the day’s happenings, I gained a better perception of people and things. At the end of the article, I always feel as if I got totally enlightened by my own persuasion.
Second, writing, like its twin sister reading brings me endless pleasure. Whenever novel ideas strike, I would take out my notebook and make a preliminary sketch. I am a person of fewer words, but whenever I sit down with my notebook, words and sentences would come naturally from my finger tips. Compared with Chinese writing, I experience a quite different feeling to record my life in this beautiful language, which gives me much pleasure in capturing ideas, choosing words and expression and organizing paragraphs logically and appropriately. It also gives me a great sense of fulfillment after my elaborately-conceived article is completed and posted online for sharing. Over the years, it has gradually become part of my daily routine. When I am in the right mood, ideas and inspirations will spill out, welling up like fountain. I will spend the whole day writing and perfecting until I am satisfied. Addiction sometimes is not a bad thing.
Third, writing provides me with something to focus on when I am confronted with tough challenges or unpleasant happenings. Helpless or powerless, I would retreat myself to my den, spending several hours on end in my small space, reading and writing, tracing back to the simplicity and tranquility of my soul that had long lost into the clamorous society. Pushing all troubles and stress away, my brain plays more actively and merrily, as if regaining my babyhood calm and peace. As a result, my spiritual journey prepares me well for my work and life. English writing has become my soul mate. For years, it has accompanied me through all my turns and twists with its powerful healing effects. When I am happy, I write; when I am sad, I write. When I am not writing, I would be reading; when I am not reading, I would be contemplating life and its philosophy. In spite of my efforts, I am still not much pleased with my writing skills. There is still a long way ahead before I reach the rim of my dreamland. Half way on the road, I will keep up my good work and charge all the way forward until I hit the final success.


SEARU 2016-02-13 21:30

In fact,I have never been far away from the blog-site.
I have posted a new thread on the rural life。Please check it and leave some comments if free. Thanks in advance!

springcastle 2016-02-13 20:25

Long time no see. How about you new year holiday? Write something funny happening in your life. Am expecting for it. 

Dracarys 2016-02-13 17:31

oh -  that's really wonderful ..

springcastle 2016-02-13 10:23

My English in high school was not bad and I like learning language,  so I choose English as my major.

springcastle 2016-02-13 10:22

True! You can try to learn a second language and have fun! 

springcastle 2016-02-13 10:21

Thanks for your suggestions. Normally my articles are limited to about 750 words. I thought articles should be long enough to provide the readers with rich and full information. Perhaps it's a bit boring. Your advice gave me much inspiration that I should reorganize my thoughts and cut short my expressions and sentences and make it more concise and explicit.    I will try to write that way.

springcastle 2016-02-13 10:13

Your English is also amazing! I have read two of your articles, very nice! 

springcastle 2016-02-13 10:12

Thanks for your suggestion. I got it. Reading your alternative sentence, I sense that it's more like English than my original language. In the months to come, I will continue to write more.  

LastInQueue 2016-02-13 00:02

You are great. Really admire your commitment.   
A suggestion, from a native English speaker, is to avoid the excessive use of the words "I" and "me".

For example, the sentence, "Third, writing provides me with something to focus on when I am confronted with tough challenges or unpleasant happenings." As an alternative you could try, "Third, writing provides a focus when confronted with tough challenges or unpleasant happenings."

The use of so many references to the first person (I or me) should be avoided whenever possible. It is difficult to do but well worth the effort.

Wishing you continued success.

SEARU 2016-02-10 22:54

Writing is the trace of your thinking;
The pen or pencil could help you become smarter in logical thinking!