

<live as a foreigner 18>: Wrong or Right to Get a Korean Driver's License?
2016-01-29 Nowadays in China, if you want to get your driver's license, you have to spend a lot of time, money, and energy on it. What's worse, the driving tests are notoriously difficult. If unluckily you fail your tests, you have to line up and wait long for another chance. Heard from a close friend of mine, it almost costed him over 5,000 yuan in three months to get his driver's license in my hometown. During this process, he failed his road tests twice, so he also had to spend extra time and money. Compared with his bitter experience, I guess I am much luckier. I only spent no more than 15 hours within one month to get my Korean driver's license. What's more, it only costed me no more than 3,000 yuan. Some people may wonder whether a Korean driver's license can be used in China or not. Don't worry. There is always a way out, that is, to apply to transfer your South Korean driver's license into its Chinese equivalent. Doesn't it sound great?

Considering that getting a driver's license at home is a "long, expensive, and arduous" process, many Chinese travellers to Korea choose to take full advantage of their tourist visa and get their Korean driver's license for futural transfer. It is said that in Seoul there are many tourist agencies having added the activity of getting a Korean driver's license into their travel package. To be honest with me, I got my driver's license in Korea for the reason that it is almost "mission impossible" for me to get that in China. I believe many Chinese travelers have the similar motive.

So let's see together how easy it is to get a driver's license in Korea:
1. Bring money, 3-4 photos, and your Alien Registration Card(ARC) to a Driver's License Agency, and apply for your trainning and tests in person.
2. Take 5-hour safety class, and you can apply for your written test. (In Korea your can choose to take your test either in Korean or in Chinese.~_~actually all you need is to remember all reference questions~_~)
3. After presenting the result of your health check, you can take your test. In most cases, it is only about 40 or so questions, available in Chinese.
4. Having passed the written test, you can enter the second stage, that is, to receive 2-hour basic driving course and apply for driving course test (only available in Korean, so you have to remember the orders. But the contents are pretty simple: how to start and stop a car, how to use different lights, how to use wiper, and how to handle emergencies.)
5. Having passed your driving course test, you have to take on-road driving courses (8 hours in total) and apply for on-road driving test. (There are four driving courses: A course/B course/C course/D course. You only have to drive one of them. But it is only available in Korean, so you need to follow exactly the Korean orders given by car navigator)
6. If you passed on-road test, you can get your driver's license in one or two days. (so if lucky, you can even get your driver's license within one week~_~)

Seen from the above, you may understand how easy the whole process is. However, in the meantime you may also notice that there exists potential safety problems. It is true of it. Nowadays there is an increasing growth of car accidents in Korea, let alone in China. For second-type Korean driving tests (the most common one), the passing marks are 60 out of 100. But in China, the passing mark is unreasonably high. For example, the passing mark for the written test is 90 out of 100.
So dear China Daily bloggers, here comes my question:
Do You Support the Idea of Getting a Korean Driver's License and later Transferring it into a Chinese One? Why or Why Not?
(It will be very kind of you to present your opinion below, clearly and with details.)


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