

Dusty goes to China
2016-01-29 The taxi arrived on time at 11am, the driver was polite, efficient, and honest so we arrived quickly at the airport. We checked in with our luggage at the Jet Star check in produced our passports no problems this is looking like a great trip.<div>We arrive in Sydney and we find my suitcase is badly damaged by Jet Star staff ( the suitcase will be thrown out in China)</div><div>Thanks to long wait times between flights we were eventually able to find the shuttle bus to the international terminal after a long wait we checked in at China Southern Airlines, then our problems started, the girl had no idea what she was doing always asking for assistance from other staff. Our suitcase was too heavy ( it was under the allocated weight) so we took items out to keep them happy.</div><div>We decided to clear passport control and get dinner, then we find much to our horror the Sydney International terminal is under construction again it took us 90 minutes fo find something to eat nothing was centralised it was like a mad woman's custard everywhere.</div><div>Our flight was delayed by an hour because of a medical emergency. The flight was full I thought they were going home for Spring Festival but no they were changing aircraft at Guangzhou on their way to the UK.</div><div>We boarded our flight to Guangzhou it was a full flight the cabin crew were very professional ( better than QANTAS) i got along well with the cabin crew being polite and grateful makes travelling easer for everybody.</div><div>We landed in China through lots of security, I mean lots of security, more aircraft delays in Guangzhou because of inclement weather </div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br><div><br></div></div>


SEARU 2017-08-16 16:03

Anyway I enjoy travelling since strange scenery could relax you from reality no matter what condition you are in daily life!

Ashikujaman 2017-01-11 18:05

It was 2016. Happy New Year and Happy Spring Festival 2017.