

Gamer / Movie Review
I watched a movie called Gamer a while ago and I thought that it was a very intelligent film. I had never heard of the film before I saw it and only watched it by chance through it being on a USB memory stick of random pirated media downloaded from the internet. I rarely pay for media these days because in my opinion most of it is not worth paying for so I know a guy that spends half of his life pirating media from the internet and I just get my entertainment through him for the most part. So anyway I ended up having this film Gamer on a memory stick. I watched it and like I said - I thought that it was very intelligent and I consider it to be one of the few good films that I have watched in the last few years.

Whenever I see a good film it seems that I can be almost certain that the reviews of the film will be negative or that the 'critics' do not understand. Mainstream film critics seem like sub-human aliens to me in many ways, that incapable of understanding certain themes. Often I will see a new film getting negative reviews and I will think - that might be good. So I was thinking about something today and the film Gamer popped into my head - and since I was thinking of it I thought it would be interesting to see what the critics thought about it - and surprise surprise - everyone hates Gamer. So I thought that I would review it myself and use the review to explain how stupid the critics are and how they really are very much like sub-human aliens.

So Rotten Tomatos has Gamer rated at 28%, IMD gives it 5.8/10 and CinemaBlend gives gamer 2/5. These are the leading authorities on film apparently.

Critics Consensus: With all of the hyperkinetic action and none of the flair of Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor's earlier work, Gamer has little replay value.

- Rotten Tomatos
'Hyperkentic' says Rotten Tomatos. One of the biggest problems with these movie critic types is that they are more interested proving to us how very clever they are than trying to understand the film that they are reviewing. Another problem is that they are more interested in insulting people to prove their superior cleverness than they are in trying to understand the movie that they are reviewing. Hyperkinetic...

See one of these film school freaks sits down to watch the film Gamer and their little brains tell them that they must distance themselves from what their little brains have decided is the target audience of this film - which is single adult men that are living in their mothers basements playing video games and watching supposedly bad movies like Gamer. These clever film school nerds have an image to uphold and project so they cant enjoy or have an open mind about a film like Gamer - or what would people think? The inferiority complexes that these critics suffer from makes it impossible for them to watch Gamer with an open mind and give it the chance that it needs to be understood.

But mostly Gamer focuses on shoot-em-up action that's cut so quickly it makes no sense, and indulgent shots of bare breasts and lesbian kissing that define the word "pandering." With the world of the two video games so poorly explained, it's hard to feel engaged in Kable's battles at all, and with no sense of stakes, the endless shots of heads blowing up and cars exploding feel repetitive rather than thrilling.

- CinemaBlend/Katey Rich

So CinamaBlends Katey Rich clearly does not understand Gamer due to her obvious inferiority complex ( Common superiority complexes stem from inferiority complex. The superiority complexes of film critics are defense mechanisms. ). The two video games in Gamer that Katey claims are so poorly explained are called Society and Slayer. The movie Gamer is set in a not so dystopian future where the public are obsessed with a new form of video gaming that allows humans to control the actions of other humans that are used as characters in real life games. The games and the way the human characters movements are controlled by the gamers were thought up by this creator guy who is a bit like Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg or Travis Kalanic. So this creator guys games and the power that they give him over the public pretty much make him the most powerful guy in this not so dystopian future society. So the first game that he used his human action controlling technology for was the game Society and it is very much like the games Sims or Second Life but instead of controlling a computer generated avatar the gamer can control an actual human avatar - so the 'characters' in society are actual people that work as 'characters' allowing gamers at home to control their actions through this new technology.

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So when CinemaBlends Katie Rich says
- "and indulgent shots of bare breasts and lesbian kissing that define the word "pandering." - she is showing that she does not understand the themes of this film let alone 'the world of the two video games'. It is not exactly rocket science either. The point of the bare breasts and lesbian kissing that is in no way 'pandering' to these depraved adult video game nerds that Katie seems to think is the target audience of this film - is to communicate to the audience the depravity, sadism and inhumanity that defines this not so dystopian society to the audience.

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These human 'characters' that are engaged in the debauchery that is the game 'Society' are being controlled by their fellow humans. It is not just voyeurism or vicariousness that is occurring in this game Society but depraved sadism and inhumanity. The point of this is not in any way to indulge our depraved - 'adult lives in his parents basement playing video games' - target audience the thrill of seeing a boob - the point is to communicate to the audience the main themes of this intelligent film. Due to Katie from CinemaBlends severe inferiority complex she is unable to understand the themes of this film. The same can be said for her
- "the endless shots of heads blowing up and cars exploding feel repetitive rather than thrilling." - , Katie does not seem to understand that the exploding heads are not supposed to be "thrilling" at all - they are supposed to be shocking since these are real humans that are having their heads exploded and real humans that are exploding their heads in a real life shooter game that is the most popular entertainment in this not so dystopian society. Did Katie actually finish Film School or what? Did she pass general level English in High School? It must be her inferiority complex and alien-like lack of humanity that makes this film so very difficult for her to understand. Katie thinks that exploding heads are "thrilling"? Only in moderation apparently.

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So this guy -

What kind of film is Gamer? Well, first of all, it’s not really a film: it’s a computer game masquerading as a film. Jerk, twitch, shoot. Wham, bam, slam. Everything about Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor’s creation - its look, sound, dynamics – is precision-tooled to appeal to Xbox obsessives.

It does so with such blunt and fundamentalist conviction that it begs a question: why would its target audience of arrested adolescents and twitchy man-boys want to schlep all the way to a movie theatre and pay extra quids to watch a non-interactive version of a form of entertainment they already have at home?

There were other questions I wanted to pose to the makers of Gamer as I left the screening in a state of, well, not concussion, but rather borderline comatization: can I get my money back? Can I get back the ninety minutes of my life that I squandered sitting through this miasmic upchuck of techno sludge? What was the story again?

- Telegraph Uk / Sukduv Sandhu

You gotta feel sorry for this guy Sukduv Sandhu because his inferiority complex is so severe that it must cause him physical pain. Sukduv, Sukduv, Sukduv ( shaking my head ). What was the story again? Sukduv is far more interested in distancing himself from these "twichy man boys" than the story of the film that he is apparently being paid to review ( Do people actually pay these critic types. Like is that actually a job? Or are they doing this as a public service in between great films that they are working on? ). And isnt Sukduv clever everyone? Miasmic. That is a good word that one. I think that it is a little offensive that these film critics do not think that so-called "X-box obsessives" are not capable of understanding or being interested in a complex and intelligent film that promotes a positive message by being critical of the direction of modern society. So what was the story again?

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Like i said the film is set in a not so dystopian future where the most popular entertainment is a new form of gaming that allows gamers to control fellow humans as characters in real life games. The most powerful man in this dystopian future is the creator of these games and of the technology that makes it possible for gamers to control the actions of their human characters. The first game created was a social simulation game called Society that is like the video games Sims or Second Life only the gamer controls an actual human character in an environment full of other human controlled characters and the gamers control the characters action/interactions. So with the human controlling technology the gamer can choose what his human character will wear and what they will do and say - who they will kiss or have sex with - in this real life game environment. The human characters that are being used for this are low socioeconomic people that have taken jobs as human characters and have consented to allowing gamers to control their bodies for a days work.

So the fact that a game like this Society could be so popular in this not so dystopian society shows that it is a society that lacks humanity. Fellow humans are used by other for entertainment and made to do undignified and debauched things by their depraved and sadistic gamer controllers. While the human characters are being controlled by the gamers they are conscious and aware of what they are doing but they are not in control of their actions - the gamer is. Like I said earlier, the game Society communicates the depravity, sadism and inhumanity that defines this not so dystopian society to the audience. These themes of depravity, sadism and inhumanity are key to the message of the film which is a message of warning about the direction that modern western society has taken. The depravity, sadism and inhumanity of these gamers that are controlling their human characters is not so different to the depravity, sadism and inhumanity of the audience of modern western television shows like The Bachelor. The group of female friends that sit down with a bottle of wine to take pleasure in the disturbed and unethical exploitation of the females that agree to be humiliated on the show The Bachelor or Americas Next Top Model are not so different to the sick, sadistic and depraved gamers that control human Society characters in the film Gamer. The Society gamers are also very much like people that pay to watch and direct models on cam sites.

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I'll start with the premise: It's twisted. There's something dreadfully perverse about a future where people volunteer to set aside free will and allow themselves to be controlled by hidden puppet masters. In fact, it's so obviously twisted that I fully expected the film to play out as a morality tale, tweaking the video game world by taking its current components to unfathomable extremes. Surely, I thought, the filmmakers would offer an enlightening statement about our society's penchant for flippant violence and casual sex.

It doesn't, and they don't.

Gamer doesn't even manage to get as much right as lousy genre-mates The Running Man or Death Race. We're not even told how this human avatar-filled "game" works. The crude set up is simply used to open the door for loathsome sexual degradation, leering perversion and scene after scene of viciously explosive battles that indiscriminately send blood, bone and internal organs flying at your face.

"It's like if American Idol and Girls Gone Wild and some kind of drug-induced combo all happened at once," actress Amber Valletta said in a Maple Pictures video interview. It's a "very, very dark place," actor Gerard Butler added.

Now that's not a lie.
-pluggedin / Bob Hoose

Another clueless review. It is as if this guy didnt even watch the movie. "It doesnt. They dont" What the %$%$? It does. They do. The entire film is promoting humanity over inhumanity. Warning us of the dangers of accepting and embracing inhumanity and depravity. Warning us of the direction that our present modern society has taken. This guy Bob Hoose is some kind of moron. It is no accident that Amber Valletta - who clearly understands the film better than any critic - mentions reality tv and soft porn to explain the film. It is certainly not just voyeurism and vicariousness that the public tunes in to reality tv shows like American Idol and Survivor for. There is an element of sadism and depravity that many viewers of reality tv enjoy. Many people enjoy watching that model cry when they are voted off of America Next Top Model. Many people like to hear an American Idol judge like Simon Cowell say nasty things about someone auditioning for American Idol - or they like to watch the American Idol hopefuls cry when they fail to make the cut and have to return to their normal lives. Many people like to watch The Bachelor to watch that girl cry when she does not get a rose from the bachelor and must go back to her life without finding love and the man of her dreams. It is not just voyeurism and vicariousness that people are enjoying about these reality tv shows - many viewers are depraved and sadistic and they are very much like the gamers in the film Gamer.

The human controlled characters of the game Society in the film Gamer are very much like contestants on shows like Americas Next Top Model or The Bachelor or American Idol. Very few people are watching a show like The Bachelor because they like to see people succeed and be happy - most viewers are watching The Bachelor to satisfy their sadism by laughing at the humiliation of the females that agree to be part of that sick show. And The Bachelor is one of the most popular shows on television so what does that say about our western society and the direction that we are taking? This direction is exactly what the film Gamer is trying to warn us about. If we are not very careful our society will be defined by sadism, depravity and inhumanity just like the not so dystopian future of Gamer. In many ways it already is.

So a big thing that stands out to me about modern film critics is not just that they all have severe inferiority complexes but also that they are aliens that do not understand the concept of humanity. These alien creatures are card carrying members of our increasingly dehumanized society and that is why even when these creatures do like a film that celebrates and promotes humanity like the recent film Nebraska directed by Alexander Payne or Young Adult written by Diablo Cody - that celebrates and promotes humanity - the critics really dont know exactly why they like it. I wont get into why the reviews of those two movies are all wrong even thought they are positive - or other poorly reviewed and misunderstood films - but the fact is that pretty much all modern film critics have clearly lost most of their humanity long ago and perhaps never had much to begin with - and now they are essentially sub-human aliens that cannot understand the concept of humanity. Inferiority defines these types but also hate. These people honestly hate their "X-box obsessed" fellow man and they believe that hate to be justified, socially acceptable, and not a thing to hide - but a thing to be proud of and to promote. These critics are a product of the dehumanized and inhumane society that the Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor's film Gamer is trying to warn us of.

A guy told me once that reviewing a film is about more than just telling people what happens in it... and I really appreciate that because I had no idea... But yeah with gamer the big themes are depravity, sadism and inhumanity. The star of the film is Gerard Butler and he is a human controlled character in the creators second game which is even more popular than Society - Slayer. Slayer is a first person shooter game that uses actual humans as characters. The human characters in Slayer are death row criminals that have agreed to be part of the game for a chance at release if they survive 30 levels/rounds of the game without being killed. The game Slayer also uses non-death roq criminals that have agreed to be part of the game as extras that follow pre-programmed paths and these characters can be killed as well. Like with society the characters are controlled by gamers at home and Gerard Butler is controlled by a celebrity teenage gamer from a wealthy family played by actor Logan Lermen. The kid is a celebrity because this game is the most popular thing in this future society and he is the worlds best player and as a result Gerard Butlers character is close to completing the 30 rounds of the game needed to gain his freedom. The creator of the game doesnt want any 'character' to complete the 30 rounds and gain freedom so he basically bends the rules to try to stop this kid and Gerard Butler from succeeding. Butler is on death row but the audience learns that he has been framed for the crime that he is in jail for and he is actually a good guy and also probably a better warrior/soldier than this celebrity gamer kid is a gamer - so they work out a hack and find a way to communicate - which against the rules of the game - and overcome the lag between the kids commands and Butlers characters actions - which gives Butler control and in the process of all of this the kid realizes that this whole playing a game where actual fellow humans get killed stuff - even if they are criminals - is actually kind of messed up. So the kid and Butler kind of end up working together to not just free Butlers character but to also bring down the megalomaniac creator of these evil games and this dehumanized society that they have encouraged. Butler also wants his freedom to reunite with and protect his hot wife who is actually working as a human controlled character in the other game Society and is being controlled by this seriously sadistic big fat guy sitting in his nice comfortable home getting off on doing really messed up things with Gerard Butlers wifes character/body ( Amber Valletta ).

There is also a revolutionary group that are against the megalomaniac creator of the games and society and they end up helping Butler and the kid as well. I wont ruin it and tell you if Gerard ends up gaining his freedom and rescuing his wife from the game Society and that big fat sadistic guy that has been controlling her - or if they manage to bring down the creator of the games and the messed up society - because in my opinion this is a great film and I wouldnt want to ruin it. Unlike seemingly every other critic that has reviewed this film and doesnt understand it or like it - I do understand it and I like it a lot.

Two thumbs up.

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