

I'm Jack's Wasted Life
2016-01-17 I am a passionate person. I believe deeply in many causes and try to enjoy my life to the fullest. I encourage my students to try new hobbies, get off their computer and out of their dorms in their free times. To really experience life.

Yet when it comes to my mother-in-law it seems there's nothing I can do. She has virtually no hobbies and never travels. She is 60 years old and financially, between her, my wife and I, could live a very comfortable life. Until recently she seemed to do nothing but cook, clean and sit around staring at nothing. So she got a full time job, 6 days a week, cleaning. Washing floors and scrubbing toilets. She'd rather do this than find a new hobby or try to enjoy life. (I get it, to her, this is contentment, but that is such a depressing thought)

She is only concerned with the happiness of her daughter and I, which, while I understand the sentiment, believe is a very false outlook. To truly make your children happy you must remove their concern and worry about you. Yet many Chinese people I speak to and see around me fall into a very depressing cycle that I'm sure many of you are familiar with.

Be born.
Overprotected in early childhood so you don't fully grow and develop.
12-16 years of too much study, too little free time and very little room to grow as a person.
Get a job.
Get an apartment.
Get married. (not usually to someone you love)
Have a child. (but work too hard to spend time with them and enjoy parenthood properly)
I'm Jack's medulla oblongata
Spend 25 years working hard to support child.
Retire and spend time looking after grandchildren.
(children repeat)

While such noble intentions are to be lauded in many ways, without teaching your child how to
A) support themselves in life &
B) Be Happy,
you are failing your child. What usually happens is your child follows your life choices and it repeats again.

To truly make your children happy, make sure you are physically well, financially well off and enjoying your life through different hobbies and friendships. If your children see you enjoying life, they will do so as well. If your children see you have no real needs in life, they will be happy.

I certainly understand why parents want to do everything and give everything to their children, but all I see is a lot of parents making their children miserable.

What do you think?


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