

<live as a foreigner 16>: How to Handle Emergencies in the Classroom?
2016-01-17 On this Friday, we had the last Chinese class in my winter camp. The main topic of that day was the Lantern Festival(Yuánxiāo jiē 元宵节), which is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar. To expose my students to its traditions and customs, I taught them how to make lanterns in class. We used glue, scissors, one small led light, two paper cups, and red papers and threads. As is well-known, everytime when students touch sharp things, a teacher will get extremely nervous. The same goes for me. In case they might hurt themselves when they cut things, I did the most difficult part for them. But unfortunately, when I was cutting a paper cup that day, I cut my own finger. I got a deep wound on my third finger. It started bleeding. At that time, none of my students noticed it, and they were all asking for my help. So I had no time to clean my wound. Since my students are all either third-grade or fourth-grade students, I hid it from them so that they would not be in panic. In order to clean the blood, I walked around to find tissue paper. But I failed. There was no tissue paper in my classroom. While one student was calling loudly "teacher, please help me", I grabbed a piece of red paper, wrapped up my wounded finger, held it hard, and walked directly to help him. When they finished their own lantern, they got excited. With content smiles, they left my classroom.

Right after my class was over, I rushed downstairs to my office, and asked one of my colleague for help. She took some medical measures. While cleaning my wound, she questioned why I didn't show my wounded finger to my students. I told her I thought they were too young to accept it. But she said if she were I, she would probably show them the wound, for she thought students had to adapt to classroom emergencies and learn how to handle them. All of a sudden, I realized that I might be too protective of my students. Is it a good thing or not?

I wonder if you were in the similar situation, what will you do to handle emergencies in your classroom?


TedM 2016-01-23 10:06

and if you teach in a private school full of rich spoilt children whose parents know little about raising children, or do not care the situation can be desperate. I know a school where these young children have never been taught self-discipline or consideration for others. They are utterly spoilt and if corrected lose temper, have tantrums and resort to violence. Their parents then blame the teacher or the whole school..... it can never be their child's fault. They are almost un-teachable until such time that the school might change their behaviour, because their parents do not help.  The frightening thing is that these children of the very rich will, in Chinese culture and society , become bosses and leaders. These are the ones who can afford a western education but are sent home again because of their behaviour. Very sad.

CarolleRain 2016-01-22 10:34

It is hard to prepare child-safe scissors for students from 4th grade to 6th grade. We have child-safe scissors for students below 4th grade. But your suggestion is still recommendable. What's more, thanks for care. My problem is not as severe as you think. So don't worry  Hope you always a good health!

CarolleRain 2016-01-22 10:31

yeah. Keeping calm is the most important thing. Can't agree any more.

CarolleRain 2016-01-22 10:30

I think I should have used the word "led light". I checked the right expression online. Because on the cover it reads “Led Lamp", so I took it for granted. Thanks for your correcting. I appreciate it a lot 

CarolleRain 2016-01-22 10:24

I agree on that teaching can be a dangerous occupation. Before I become a teacher, I used to neglect teacher's work. But now, I admire teachers. Being a teacher means to take a lot of responsibilities. Sometimes we are like walking on a tightrope, aren't we?

SEARU 2016-01-20 14:46

"one led lamp" ???
one LED lamp.

Dracarys 2016-01-20 14:30

hard to tell -  but first and most important thing is to keep calm  ..

Blondie 2016-01-20 13:47

I am sorry to hear you have a health problem.

Maybe sharp scissors should not be used around children.
There are child-safe scissors available in shops that can cut paper but don't have sharp points where people can hurt themselves.
At home there are materials for such activities that are non-toxic and are completely safe for all users.

CarolleRain 2016-01-20 10:24

Thanks so much~Have a nice day~

voice_cd 2016-01-20 09:30

Thanks for sharing your story here, we have highlighted it in our blog homepage.