

Cooking Mackerels

Today, my wife bought some mackerel and she knows of that I am good at cooking it.

First, since all the mackerel are frozen, I have to put them in a basin full of water to thaw them. Usually, it takes about twenty minutes to thaw the frozen mackerel.

Second, I have to cut the belly of the mackerel open to get rid of the entrails. Always, I cut the mackerel from under the gill cover to the anus and then pull out the gill and entrails. Next, I flush the abdomen several times and prepare for cooking.

Third, I pour some soybean oil into a frying pan. After the oil gets hot, I put some ginger and green onion into the pan. After there are some smell of the ginger and the green onion rising from the pan, I put the mackerel into the pan. Then, I put some salt and vinegar into the pan. At last, I add some hot water to the pan till the water is above the mackerel. Then, I adjust the fire strong till the water is boiling and then I adjust the fire weak. After twenty-five minute, there are only a little bit of soup in the pan. Next, I cut the fire off and shovel the mackerel out of the pan and put them in a plate, then I put some coriander into the plate. By now, all the process is over and a delicious mackerel is ready.

thawing the frozen mackerels

cooking the mackerels.

the delicious mackerels is ready.


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