

She said she would lock her cellphone in the cabinet!

We are still preparing for the final exam.I can never image that we have the ability to learn all the knowledge by ourselves in the neighbour of a week instead of the whole term.Every morning we can see many students in the classrooms or get up very early to reserve seats in the library to study.However,several minutes passed,we always can't help touching the cellphone in the pockets.In order to make us under the control and our attention more concerntrated,leave the cellphone in the dormitory can be a good way.

Our public's attention can easily be attracted to the entertainment. Sinablog,every ten minutes it will update the hot news,and the click rate is very high.This is a self-media world,media has a great power to make us to lose self-control.Huge's love is open to the public today,one of my roommates likes him so much.It seriously affect her mood today,so she can't devote herself to reviewing. We take our cellphones as if we will miss some important message.

Why not go to bed early and have a sound sleep?Why not choose to ignore the friends' movements and treat your life more seriously?Lead a more health life and use the cellphone when it is needed.As a college student,it is time that we improved the comprehensive quality and did some preparations for a better future.Move our eyes from others' lives to ourselves is much more meaningful!

Good night!


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