

How to express yourself more- 1?

Though I am a regular visitor of this blog forum, it has been long since I have written any post here. New Year is around the corner and I have been asked to write about it by one of the forum member. So, here I am.

The post with title, Make New Year Resolution: Write Diary Every Dayexplain the need to have a conversation with yourself on regular basis. . In the age of technological advancements, we are giving a lot more time to others (including our gadgets). Somehow, Iis missing in this entire context.

In my observation, this is also leading to rise in stress level and loneliness especially among the tech savvy generation. We are not expressing ourselves the way we are. We are expressing ourselves to look good in the eyes of others but somehow ignoring to talk to ourselves. It is like despite being problem, we will post a nice photo on the social media to showcase that we are good. Social media gives us the possibility to avoid spontaneity, edit, and modify our opinions. Therefore, many of us sometime chose the represent ourselves the way we want the world to look on us (comments, photos etc). But, it may not be us(or I). It is just that way I am pretending to be like someone but that is not me (or I).

Working with people from all around the world, I have also seen some sort of deep mistrust prevail during the communication. I observed it many times and finding it difficult sometime to even get a clear picture of what other has in mind. In professional language, it is called lack of communication skills. I prefer to call lack of expressing oneselfproperly.

I do not like to tell more about how you can be social, but rather 'How you can express yourself'. The more you express yourself, the more you will inch towards becoming 'I'. Obviously, if you have group of friends to hang out, partner to share your day out, then none of these is required.

There are certain ways, it can be done. I am using them regularly and I believe, they can be useful for you too. If you have any more suggestions, then please post in the comments box.

-Writing diary/ taking notes: I have already written a long post last year about writing 'Diary' to express yourself more. Making a notes during a lecture, attending a speech, and during the work helps you to put down your thoughts into words. It just releases burden from brain and makes a person more comfortable. If you feel unhappy from a arrogant e-mail, then just write your frustration on to paper. If you are feeling sad, then just keep writing about it.

You will not be judged while writing such remarks. We are human being and we love to express ourselves. If you cannot find enough time to socialize or hesitate meeting people, this can be one of the best key to express yourself and relax. You can type things on your mobile phone too, but I advise to use pen and paper. It has been proven by research that writing with hands(or taking notes) improve the retention capacity(or memory) of our brain. Why not give it a try?

- A lone walk: This is not something very new. Every night, I go to a nearby stadium after my dinner. That is the time, when I do not have to do anything and my mobile phone is switched off. While walking, I talk to myself. I revise the entire day schedule and figure out what was right and what was wrong. In this entire process, I am speaking(sometime soft and sometime loudly), thereby expressing myself. Those 30 minutes walk digest the food, refresh the mind, and sometime gives idea to do many more things.

Sometime, this becomes a thinking walk of a new idea. If I am working on a presentation; then during this walk, slide number 15 may move to 5 or it can be deleted all together. If I am going to write down a poem, then I just take my imagination to that state and thoughts start to come automatically. You may not need to do all these things, but talking to oneself helps.

If you do not have a sports ground like mine then just walk in your own room. You just need to switch off the lights and feel the silence in your life. It is like you are with yourselves.

I am still not sure, why I have written this post. But, I do hope that my experience can be helpful to others.


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