

Let Bygones Be Bygones
2015-12-20 As Robert Frost wrote, " Two roads diverged in a yellow wood/ and I - I took the one less travelled by/ and that has made all the difference." It seems human nature to regret for what we did in the past and the choices once we made. Too often we simply bury our faces in our hands and heave a sigh, hoping that if we could ever come back. Unfortunately, however, what's done cannot be undone. Accept that fact!

So what should we do in face of such a merciless rule that merely provides us a one-way ticket? Should we complain about the mistaken life or cry for the wrong decisions? No! Such negative feelings only add to the failures of our life.

There is obviously no use dwelling on guilty and remorse because they are not the answer to the problems. If you weep for the missing sun, you will also miss the star. We do make mistakes, we regret them and we want to go back again. To err is human! Nevertheless, the best way is to learn from the past and look forward to the future.

Remember that all the things in the world simply come and go, and they have been dispersed as smoke by a light wind, leaving behind almost no gossamer traces at all. No exception with our errors and screwed life! So just take it easy and let bygones be bygones.


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