

My experience of feeding tropical fishes

This April, I bought some tropical fishes in the free market nearby. They are red, blue and black. The fishes are energetic and active in the temperature about 20 degree Celsius.

Every morning before breakfast, I would go out to a nearby lake to catch some food of the tropical fishes. Actually, the food of the tropical fishes are some red water flea in the lake. In spring and summer, there are lots of red water flea in the lake and It always takes me just ten minutes to catch enough water flea to feed my tropical fishes. After I catch the water flea, I would take them home and take a little of them into the fishbowl. After I drop some water flea to feed the fishes, they will all come to snatch with each other and feed.I always feed them once a day and they are most energetic in the afternoon.

Some mature fishes will mate. Always, the male fishes will go after the female fishes and in a week the female fishes will get pregnant. The pregnancy usually will be one month and the female fishes will give birth to a school of small tropical fishes.

Also, before the female fishes give birth, I have to keep the pregnant fish to an isolated fishbowl. In this way, I can prevent other mature fishes from eating the small fishes.

In November, the weather gets colder and colder. Some of the topical fishes die because the temperature drops below 10 degree Celsius. After the hardest time in a year, the heating equipment start to work in winter in north China and the temperature in my house will rise and tropical fishes will be energetic again. In winter, I have to feed the fishes with yolks.

The next spring I will catch the water flea and feed the fish with it again.

the tropical fishes

the tropical fishes

the tools to catch water flea

the tropical fishes


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