

trump phenominon

while bejing was enveloped by a smothering smog, donald trump torpedoed US politics with his outlandish proposal on entire muslim community including those muslims who are US citizens at the wake of sanberdino shooting. he certainly has commanded the headlines that a candidate has been craving for, but seemingly for a wrong reason, and his own party elites have scrambled to categorically distance themselves from his jaw-dropping proposal. most people call what he said down-right pernicious and repellant. To me this is indeed something with a magnitude that makes the Statue of Liberty bow her head in anguish.

however, trump's poll number has been doing quite well, and the number of trump faithfuls are even rising. there is nothing more perplexing than seeing trump can survive several seemingly irreversible "blunders" ranging from his malignant comments on mexican americans, women, syrian refugees, muslims and etc. he is keeping going and going like that “energizer” bunny, given he started as a defacto comical candidate. it is so disheartening to see someone like trump can hijack US politics with so-unamerican rhetorics. i am quite baffled by this trump phenomenon.

if mr trump were elected, the world would head apoclypse as exactly predicted by ISIS. how ironic it would be.


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