

Peach blossom girl

Its a sunny morning,Daisy was walking along a bank.After having gone a certain distance,she suddenly came upon a peach grove which extended along the bank for about a hundred of yards.Daisy noticed with surprise that grove had a magic effect,so she advanced further,in the hope of discovering how far the woods extended.It ended at the streams source,where stood a hill.A small cave cut into the hill and a faint light can be seen from within.Then Daisy entered the cave.

The cave was dark and crowded.Daisy was scared to continue.Suddenly a voice entered into her ears,it was a boy who was reciting a poem,Daisy tried her best to hear the poem clearly:Peach blossom may have fallen,but they will bloom again.

The sound made her feel at ease.So she decided to advance.At first,it was very narrow.There is only room for one person to pass,but after forty or fifty yards she found herself in the open air. The place she had come to was a wide expanse of level fields,with houses and cottages.The farmers there were working and dogs and chicks were running about.The dresses of the men and women were like those of the outside world,and the old men and children appeared very happy and contented.A boy in the field was holding a book and reciting something.He was greatly astonished to see Daisy,and then he said:Good morning!Where did you come from?Daisy answered:Hi, my name is Daisy,nice to see you.Im a college student from Qingdao.This morning,I climbed the mountain with my friends,but I lost my way when I was detailed to look for water.The boy surprised at her first and then he smiled at Daisy,Nice to meet you,Im Qin.The boy invited Daisy to his home to have a rest.

The house was built by the river and surrounded with grass and flowers.There was a thriving orchard behind the house.The birds were flying about and twittering with delight.

Who was the lady,Qin?A woman went out of the house and asked the boy.

Her name is Daisy,she lost her way and couldnt find her friends.So I took her back to home.I think we should make a meal for her.Qin said.

OK!Welcome to my home,you are really a lovely girl.You can have a rest or go around with Qin,Im going to cook at once.What kind of food do you like?Peppery taste or sweet tasty?The lady said enthusiastically.

You are too generous,thank you so much.The food whatever you can.Ur,Im sorry,but I really want a cup of water......

Daisy was surprised to find the people in this outside word are so friendly and warm heart.It is strange that Daisy felt familiar with the people here.

Qin took her around and showed the beautiful scenery for her.When they walked around along the river,Daisy was astonished to find that peach forest disappeared without a trace instead of a dense grass.She even couldnt find the direction when she came here just now.Then she asked Qin:Did you notice there is a peach grove behind the village?

Qin answered:It never has peach grove there.About six hundred years ago,our ancestors had come here as refugees to escape from the war,and they planted thousands of peaches around the village to hide their trace.However the peach forest was drowned in the great floods.Because of that flood,the daughter of the head of our ancestor disappeared and never came back again.From then on no matter how hard my ancestors tried,the peaches would never sprout.

Suddenly Qins face darkened and he looked at Daisy in incredulous:Did you ever see the peach forest when you come here?Qin asked.

Yes,I did.I went here along the peach grove.

After hearing the answer,Qin took her back to the village heads home and told him what happened on the girl.The village head was amazed and panic,he said:You are the orphan of our ancestor!six hundred years ago,you were playing in the peach forest when the forest was drowned by the heavily flood suddenly.Then you never came back again.And your ancestor have said that if you would come back to your home again,something unusual will happen.

Daisy recalled that she loved peach blossom so much,and her friends always say that she has the scent of peach blossom.When she first came into the mountain,she also thought the peach grove had a magic effect......

Abruptly,the level of river was arising and mud rock coming here quickly.The minute when the girl turning her head,thousands of peaches were growing up.It was the peach forest that prevent the attack of the flood and saved the whole village.However the villagers found that Daisy was crushed into the forest and disappeared completely.

Daisy was woke up by her friend.

Daisy,wake up!Now we are reaching the destination.Get off the bus immediately.We will star our trip!

Daisy looked at her confused.

Its said that there is a secret place hidden in the mountain,which surrounded by thousands of peaches.And some villagers live in seclusion to wait for a girl.Did you hear any stories about this?Her friend talked happily.

Daisy looked at the deep of the mountain absent-minded.Then a similar voice entered to her ears,it was a boy who was reciting a poem:Peach blossom may have fallen,but they will bloom again......


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