

33 days

On weekend, I finished my reading of the book “33 days”. This book is worth reading. HUANG, Xiaoxian and WANG, Xiaojian, both are very mean, unkind, but funny in my opinion. Some of their words are worth thinking.

Because of this book, I watched the movie again. At the end of the movie, teacher CHEN, wants to have a golden wedding for his wife, who is strong-minded. The wife told Xiaoxian, it is ok if a man makes a mistake, even a machine breakdown sometime when you use it for years. Her husband once made a mistake, but she is brave enough to talk with the other woman, and teaches her a sound lesson. Hahaha, I am so interested in this part. Love this book and love this movie. If you are interested, you can have a look. It’s time to go home. Today, I have a very busy day, two cases in my hand. Hope tomorrow, my life still be fun. Good luck to me and anyone who loves me. Hahaha.


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