

Learing Never Ends

Yesterday, I read a girl’s blog in China daily, her mental attitude promotes me in an optimistic way. In her blog, she wrote about work, hard work is necessary sometimes, but we should remember why we work so hard, it is for better life. So if you feel unhappy due to non-stop working, it’s time to have a good relax. I think I am a guy with positive attitude towards life and work, but that day, when I talked with my husband, I realized that my complain about my work, my close, my body shape, the money were always there, frequently appeared. I think, I am soon easy being satisfied, but actually, I am not; I think, many things, I can control myself, but I can’t. Compared with my husband, I realized I am still young, naïve.

When I realized the above, I wanna change into a better way. From now on, I want to read more, listen more, to gain peaceful mental attitude.


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