

My opinion about faith

I was born in China mainland. As you know, many schools in China will teach Chinese students to be an atheist and do not believe in any religion.

However, as we are aging, we can meet lots of different people from the world and we find that some people believe in God, others believe in Allah, still others believe in Buddha, yet others are agnostic. Now, I am confused about faith. Should I choose a religion for myself? I hasted about it.

In my opinion, religion is about the spirit of human being. Actually, our personality are always dual. So, I think many people are not really believe in one religion. Many people will change their faith. Also, some atheist will believe in God in the last period of their life.

Now, I would like to explain my opinion about the relationship between science and religion.

You know, many world famous scientist believe in God such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein. When I was a college student, I had a course named scientific philosophy. In the course, my professor told us that in the scientific community, there are lot of scientists with different background on faith.

The world is colorful and the faith of our human being is diverse. So, to believe or not believe in a religion. That is not a problem.


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