

Nicole’s Philosophy

One time when we were watching her favorite cartoon series of the ‘smart tiger’ on my iPad (maybe actually hers in the little mind), the screen suddenly became black because of running out of battery. Then she turned to me, ‘Mama?’ I told her her that the device was out of battery and need to be recharged soon (I was so happy at this indeed). And I further suggested that maybe we could do something else like building castles etc..

Obviously she was unsatisfying at my response. She looked at me, thinking for a while, then answered, ‘Ehm, Baba? iPad!’ (it means that Baba has an iPad also.) I asked, ’Did you meant that you want Baba’s iPad?’ She replied ‘Ja, I want’ loudly. And I told her ‘Baba is not at home now. It’s not good to use his iPad without letting him know. Should we tell him first that Nicole wants to borrow his iPad?’This time she got upset at my words by repeating 'Nein, I want it! Now!’(Because she knew that her father normally wouldn’t allow her watch cartoons much) But I didn’t surrender to her unreasonable behavior. I told her, ‘Baba will be unhappy about it. Suppose someone takes yaour favourite car without your permission, won't you also be upset?’ Guess what kind of reply I got from her?! You won’t never imagine. I almost stopped my discipline at her answer, because she replied ‘I like Baba!’ and in the meantime made a big smile on her face.

I couldn’t stop laughing, because this is the way she deals with her father exactly. Every time when she annoys him, she apologizes by saying ’sorry’ and adding this beautiful words ‘I like Baba’, and it works perfectly. And now she got the knowledge that it seems a golden tool (Daddy needs to be cautious about the issue!!!). She knows exactly what she wants and what she doesn’t want. She wants the iPad. She wants it NOW. She doesn’t want to tell Baba for he may not let her use it. And she even knows how to deal with him when he is unhappy.

She is really a little people with sophisticated philosophy now. And I need to read more research articles on children’s psychology, and to communicate with her in depth to understand her.

kids thinking, from google image


snowipine 2015-11-19 00:16

Overwhelming diplomatic activities have estranged "me with my own shadow" .isn't it? 

Judy_ZHu 2015-11-17 20:49

We are neighbors, and I'm now in Zurich. Hope you all are fine! How terrible last Friday in Paris. Be well!

teamkrejados 2015-11-17 09:55

All is well here, and with my family in France. Thanks so much for your caring! What part of Europe are you in?

SEARU 2015-11-16 08:27

What a wonderful comment you have made! -------through which I have no wondering why you won the title of the best blogger in the past!

Judy_ZHu 2015-11-16 01:53

Thanks for coming!

Judy_ZHu 2015-11-16 01:52

You are full of wisdom! Yes her father enjoys her little tricks:) so glad to see you again! Hope everything is fine with you, my friend.

Judy_ZHu 2015-11-16 01:47

Yes funny! But her speech is still lagging behind a bit. Only simple sentences:( we are still making efforts and progresses:)

Judy_ZHu 2015-11-16 01:46

I think so:)

Judy_ZHu 2015-11-16 01:45

Thanks a lot for your recommendation! I hope I will have more time to contribute to my blogging.

Judy_ZHu 2015-11-16 01:44

Thanks! She deals with things in a quite straightforward way, and shows her minds to me without any hidden secrets. I appreciate the state right now, and always feel relaxed with her. While as the time passes, we all know that this state will no longer lasts. But I hope that she grows up to a honest and skillful person.