

In the US, The State As A Marketplaace

"The Republican revolution — made up of a majority-of-minorities (anti-women’s rights/civil rights, zealots, disciples, protectors of white privilege, the authoritarian right, and anarchists) — has a new secret calling among the elite that goes unspoken."

I absolutely agree! This sentence by another writer also caught my eye and captured my excitement: “The concept of the nation state is evolving away from commercial interests.” I agree, internationally — and nationally. The US budget (equal to the world’s 4th largest GDP!) is simply another target for conquest, with commercial interests through Congress dividing up the spoils into giant neat and messy piles!

The Republican revolution — made up of a majority-of-minorities (anti-women’s rights/civil rights, zealots, disciples, protectors of white privilege, the authoritarian right, and anarchists) — has a new secret calling among the elite that goes unspoken — the control of the federal budget for private interests! This goal never drops from any official lips. The real issue is not just income vs. distribution (Bernie), “good jobs” (Hillary), or a “greatness fix” (any Republican!) — but a real mean, ugly fight that breaks tradition and democracy for power and greed. National benefits or national wealth? As “Black lives matter” reminds communities about segmenting the disenfranchised by color, national wealth will not include the poor or infirm — seen only as drains on gains.

The state is simply another marketplace! Embedded with its own capital stream, legal authority, and enforcement (and the myths of Obama planned detentions and killings; Tom Clancy, the author, the latest by radio accounts!), the budget has a bulls-eye and an Republican administration would be the world’s biggest flash mob! The poor, however, will recall the events of the mobs of the Bataan death march.

A Photo from the US National Archives of the Bataan Death March. 1942.


Walter_Rhett 2015-11-06 06:08

I write blogs and readers comments on a variety of media platforms that include media and publishing. I use a great deal of historical examples in my analysis; I also trace the role of race in the ideas and behavior of American politics. The post above is an advanced post that uses previous unstated data from budgets and elections that support its main idea: the Republicans going after the budget. The potential takeover of an advanced system of taxes and revenues by a single political party that will use law-making to redirect trillions of dollars is the most important story in America's 2016 election. If Republicans win, they control the budget!