

The US Budget Ranks 4th Among Global GDPs

Their ideas (Republican ideas) on race had slightly more leverage in the last two US elections than their conservative views. The example of Obamacare consistently revealed the Krugman-cited “epistemic closure:” loved the coverage, hated him. The GOP endorsement by voters was a backlash about the ideas of race-in-power and reflected strong state organizing activity more than any real affinity (proved by Obama’s 2nd win).

The GOP is still a majority-of-minorities party (groups from anti-women’s rights/civil rights, zealots, and disciples).

It does see awaiting victory: the world’s 4th largest political economy! The federal budget ranks 4th among global GDPs! Solely controlled by Congress and the President — the people have no direct say.

Looking for nuggets of gold? Inside the budget is a safety net (social security!) whose legal obligations on the budget make it the world’s 25th largest GDP — the largest pool of firewalled public cash anywhere!

That Ryan’s function: to teach and educate the Freedom Caucus about the trillions at stake! Trillions for the private sector — not for cuts! Ryan knows the numbers. He’s persuasive in his element.

The GOP is campaigning in their cultural element (taxes, fear, failure), avoiding every mention of the real prize: control of a giant political economy that would rank 4th among global GDPs, with a pool of cash that would rank 25th among all national outputs.

The strategy here is theft! Pilgrims called to refute racist views declare the government the culprit! The rich — the best, the brightest! — the helpers, share the spoils.

Signares. African Women from St. Louis. Senegal. circa1740s.


Walter_Rhett 2015-11-04 20:46

Does the size of government budgets influence American candidates?