Here is a story recorded in Wandering in Absolute Freedom written by Zhuangze. Speaking of the use of a huge gourd, Zhuangze and Huize, they discussed the issue and exchanged their views as we could see in the video. Huize found no use of a huge gourd and so broke it up, for Zhuangze, however, he believed that the five -bushed gourd could be made a float rather than considering it as worthless materials.
When I watched the video several times, it reminded me a question why we human being had different ideas facing the same problems. As far as I’m concerned, the main reason is that different people have different perspectives while they have been tried to solve those problems. Out of distinct considerations and purposes, then the next step people decide is to take different actions.
Let me give you two examples to prove my conclusion!
First, as we all known, Edison is credited with the invention of the electric light. In order to find the material used as filament, he tried to use many things even including his friend’s beard. Edison failed 8,000 times before he succeeded, but learned from his failures and bounced back with greater determination to succeed. “If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” This is quoted from Edison. You see? When we think failures in a positive perspective, more courage will visit us and help us to be a success.
Second, Nick Vujicic, an Australian orator, has touched the hearts and lives of many people around the world nowadays. You know why? Not only has his extraordinary speech been influenced a great many people, but his personal story gives us an opportunity to think deeply. He is a man without limbs but can do things like a normal man. You have no idea how hard it is when he strives to live in this world! But he makes it! There is no reason for him to give up himself, because he thinks life in a different way. He once said: “if the world thinks you are not good enough, it is a lie, you know. Get a second opinion. ”and “In life you have a choice: bitter or better? Choose better, forget bitter.” Those words show us the special perspectives give his self-confidence and hope. And then, the actions taken by him are delivering his speech over all the world to encourage people to escape from suffering. Rather, there are lots of news reported that disabled people are trying to kill themselves simply because of their negative thoughts——life is worthless and useless.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is crucial for us to think positively especially when we meet troubles. Life is not just a bed of rose. It is true. But still we cannot lose faith when facing them. Taking a different attitude and perspective, we will be on to the new step of our lives.
Well, I chose a disabled person to give you a glowing example of a person who was thinking outside the box and whose thinking set in motion a development for all people to think that way. China for example does treat the disabled as outcasts too. How many ordinary people would go out of their way to help a blind person safely cross a road???
Students are only a minority. Yet, they are the minority that has the greatest potential for mental change. Do they embrace change, new thinking, freer thoughts, criticism? It is easy to blame the teachers and authorities for forcing them to learn the exact same stuff their parents did. But how many are willing to learn "outside the box"???
well, thanks for sharing this story. I come to realize that with hope towards life people can put up a fight for their future. Still it's difficult for me to imagine the disabled who are bearing burden and suffering from stress to think activitly and creatively. You're right. Making a model for them is a necessary step to evoke confidence towards life.
Yet this is not my point. My view is that everyone needs to think outside the box. Especially in China, we students are deeply influenced by authorities from teachers and knowledge, fear to be wrong because of "standard answers". Thus, I hope teachers can attach a great importance to minds of students rather than admission rates.
Anyway, your comment is much appreciated.
How to reconcile a set expression such as "think outside the box" with the challenge of being a disabled person? Make the disabled person a model that thinks outside the box. No need to refer to gourds and light bulbs or modern inventors and marketing geniuses!
"To think outside the box" simply means to think about the same problem and to arrive at a new, possibly better way of handling challenges and problems. Here is an example from my life:
Many years ago I volunteered to work in a home for disabled persons. One of my charges was a young woman suffering from a progressive weakening of her muscles, called atrophy. At age 35, she had to spend most of her time sitting or lying. She had a svelte body and an easy laugh on her face but she was seriously handicapped and could do no real work. Can you imagine how her situation that worsened from year to year affected her psychologically? And yet, I never saw her depressed.
She turned her attention to the physical needs of handicapped people and wrote a book about it. In that book she described her wild orgiastic life living with her boyfriend of that time. The book received favourable reviews and her cause, the right of disabled people to sex, became a public topic for the first time.
Her book has by now changed the perceptions of the whole society towards the disabled and their rights and needs, including eroticism. I can only say it was a great honour for me to get to know that lady in my then capacity as a helper.
you don't have to apologise![]()
so many people think it's edison as most history books say it is Edison. I learned about it through that website, the oatmeal. the website has lots of funny cartoons also, you should check it out.