

Russian Forces in Syria

Syria purporting to be Russian jet fighters blowing up a rebel groups that have been fighting against Syrian dictator Bashar Assad you take a look at how to be flexible doesn't matter really according to reports that the Russian attack killed 15 militants.

Now I use the word militants because I've seen various reasons of the facts some reports say the target was fighters with the terrorist group Al nutria other reports suggest the fighters were the Free Syrian Army that the United States has been equipping with weapons in according to some reports. Russia just wiped out the so-called moderates that the West is backing t overthrow Assad.

Russia has long had a naval base in Syria in the port of Tartus, port on the Mediterranean. Imagine its strategic importance to Vladimir Putin, do you really think Putin would let us at fall there had long been Russian boots on the ground in Syria propping up Assad over the past few weeks?

Putin has dramatically increased the number of men and machinery in the country, there's a satellite photo of the letter key airbase in a single aerial photograph of that air base. It can be seen that Russia now has four Sukhoi 30 fighter jets and by taking a look at them they are on par with American f15 f16 jets.

And no surprise Putin has just ordered that the United States no longer fly over Syrian airspace. Putin says he's there at the request of the government of Syria that is obviously true, Putin is telling Americans to butt out and what's Obama gonna do.

It's one thing to fly aerial missions against the Islamic State terrorists who have no air force and no sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles but to fly in conflict with a squad of Russians is suicide to those on ground.

Thats what the real muscle is the Sukhoi twenty-fifths they're built for, attacking things on the ground even tanks low and slow the American A10 that devastated Saddam Hussein's army a dozen years ago at least twelve of these securities are now likely here and you probably recognize that monster, the Mill-24 just a massive helicopter that Russia used to devastate the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the seventies and eighties.

At least seven of these monsters spotted in Latakia. I miss the t90 tank more modern than America's M-one abrams take a compra boat for sure.Seven of these tanks for about two thousand Russian troops on the ground

Russia's rubber-stamp parliament voted to give Vladimir Putin authority to use military force and he did use it immediately and brutally this has absolutely tipped the scales in Syria undoubtedly and of course Russia has deployed drones for the first time in war unlike the United States, they're not really concerned about collateral damage that is killing civilians.

Reports are that they're using drones in the Islamic state's capital city of Iraq. In other words it is war, it is the war the west really hasn't prosecuted. You know Canadians have sixty-three F-18 jets over there and some refueling planes and some cargo and support. But they haven't really been rolled out in a full-scale full out deployments. They may go on a mission every few days with pinprick attacks, careful not to risk any Canadians, careful not to risk any civilians. I'm glad we're doing it but it's not designed to destroy the Islamic State, neither are the Americans. Are other allies now?

Russia is different they don't look for a PR symbols. I mean sure they'll take that to their going in there to end the civil war in Syria, by destroying Bashar Assad's enemies. That includes the islamic states and other terrorist groups It also includes the so-called moderate Syrians if such a species exist.

What the West has been pinning their hopes on I have mixed feelings about this.

On the one hand Bashar Assad is a tyrant he has waged indiscriminate war against his opponents both military opponents and civilians. He allegedly used chemical weapons against its own people, something that Barack Obama once said crossed and uncrossed small red line. Obama said "Remember this we have been very clear to the outside regime but also to other players on the ground they had a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch chemical weapons moving around or being utilized I didn't set a red line the world set a red line".

Obama threatened to attack Assad but backed down and handed the whole matter over to Putin. In a way Pooty saved Obama politically saying oh he'd make sure of it, I wouldn't do anything bad like that again. What a joke Putin Assad's arms dealer Assad's sponsor besides protector promising to discipline Obama. So now we let Putin come in and now we see the end game.

Russians fight differently than Americans do. They always have the red army destroying everything in its vengeful counter-attack on Nazi Germany. You can understand why, when the Nazis were absolutely brutal to Russians killing twenty million of them in ww2 besieging Stalingrad and the Red Army ,we paid every cruelty on their westward march through Berlin. Russia was brutal in Afghanistan, even dropping bombs disguised as toys to kill Afghan children.

They were a brutal as the terrorists fighting against them, including one terrorist named Osama bin Laden. Russia destroys terrorists and anyone who's near them. They flattened the Chechen city of Grozny, sealing off entire neighborhoods just pounding it to rubble. Dropping fuel air bombs just killed everyone they have nothing to learn about brutality from what they could probably teach brutality with.

The Russians are not dainty they're not worried about the CNN or the New York Times or any media outlet fretting about an innocent person being killed or creating refugees. Vladimir Putin is there to kill as many of Assad's enemies as he can to be strong and to show strength.

The opposite of Barack Obama is losing his war against Islamic state. New volunteer terrorists fled into the Islamic State faster than they are being killed by the West other than a few symbolic victories by the West. The Islamic state has not lost ground. Its authority has not undermined it square miles, its population has not shrunk it is a living symbol of victory for radical Islam.

Putin will end that I believe and he's told the west to get out of his way. I do not support Bashar Assad and I do not support his brutal dictatorship, I do not support Putin for his ally in Syria, ran but nature abhors is a vacuum.

It was Obama who allowed the Islamic state to take root when he pulled out of Iraq hastily just to give himself a talking point for the2012 presidential election. It was Obama who allowed Assad to regroup under Russian leadership when Obama flip-flopped on his would-be attack. On the side are Russians supported Syrian dictatorship will be an evil place, but if I'm honest I must also say it will likely lead to an earlier resolution of the regional war than the non-plan of the West's non leadership.

Putin is going to do a grozny on the Islamic state. He will kill tens of thousands of people maybe hundreds of thousands. Some of them terrorists some of them civilians, but it just might be there less than a year when he distinguishes the Islamic state as a safe haven for terrorists, as a recruitment and training base as a symbol for global terrorism. Obama didn't do it so Putin will.

The West didn't conquer Berlin in 1945, Stalin did, because he got there faster. The west didn't stop the Islamic state in 2014 or 2015, Putin just might, not because he moved faster but because he moved at all the rebels, not just a chosen few.

Written by: Boy.Hollywood 2015 Sylt, Germany.


Newtown 2015-10-09 13:30

This article resembles something that has been dictated to someone ( or put onto tape ), then written down by someone with a mediocre abilty to use English correctly and / or a scribe who is copying out exactly what the speaker said. It contains so many errors and wayward expressions that its best use would be as an examplar to students wanting to know how "not" to compose such a detailed opinion piece.

seanboyce88 2015-10-09 10:42

At least the war will be over quicker, there is always that.

cmknight 2015-10-07 22:41

So ... you've "seen" 63 CF-18 jets in the Middle East, have you? You've been to the Middle East, and "seen" all these things you write about, have you? For your information, Canada bought 98 A and 40 B models of F-18's. 17 have been lost due to accidents, and 8 were retired. That's 138 aircraft in total, and 113 still in service. You're trying to tell me that Canada sent 63 fighter aircraft, or 55% of its total all-weather fighter capability, to go and bomb Syria, leaving 50 aircraft (or 45%) at home, to defend and patrol the skies of a country larger than China. You are trying to have us believe that Canada sent over half of its fighters to bomb a country that is about the same size as Washington state. You actually expect us to believe that? Just because you've "been there, seen that"? You must think we are all fools. I assure you, the only foolish one here is you.

Boy.Hollywood 2015-10-07 18:14

My words written folks, been there seen that. You commentators stick to your tv and newspapers for doctrinated realism...

futsanglung 2015-10-07 14:56

How about the Russian flying war planes of Turkey without permission?

seneca 2015-10-07 10:26

I think you should have posted this piece not asa blog but as a regular thread somewhere in the discussion boards. A blog in this forum should not be so blatantly political because it invites feedback - hence the discussion boards are more appropriate. 

Also, a blog should be written with more care and less emotions. I find your article contains valuable insights but it makes a few specious or questionable allegations that invite challenges from the reading public. It is my view too that Bashir Assad is a tyrant, yet many here consider him a heroic Justin Bieber or something. Then you surprise us again with that endorsement of the brutalities of the Russian soldiers because "the Nazis taught them to take revenge" (not your words but you get my gist). The Syrian civil war is a tragedy and no one side is absolutely on any moral high ground.

cmknight 2015-10-07 00:06

"You know Canadians have sixty-three F-18 jets over there and some refueling planes and some cargo and support."

ummm ... what? Cite your sources, please. According to the Canadian Department of National Defence, six CF-18's, one Airbus CC-150 Polaris air-to-air refueling tanker and two CP-140 Aurora surveillance aircraft were sent, along with 700 military support personnel.

Boy.Hollywood 2015-10-06 15:31

Thank you, I appreciate it!

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