

Let’s Endeavor for a Clean Future

Let’s endeavor for a Clean Future

--to support Solar Impulse II

Dear friends, you must have noticed the news yesterday that Solar Impulse II, the aeroplane that is powered only by the sun, has landed in Hawaii after making a historic 118 hours flight in the air, flying across the Pacific ocean from Japan.

This zero fuel solar-powered aircraft was born in Switzerland. It looks just like a super cute giant dragonfly. Before the non-stop flight in the past five days and nights, it flied over the United Arab Emirates, India, China, and Japan; and then it flied across the Pacific, finally landed safely in Hawaii. It will continue to circumnavigate the globe after a technical maintenance.

Why is the Swiss team doing this project? As Mr Piccard, the co-pilot of the aircraft told the reporters, "Now you can fly longer with no fuel than you can with fuel. So, what Andre (the Pilot, Mr Borschberg) has done is not only a historic first for aviation, it's a historic first for renewable energies." The Swiss team is carrying a campaigning message to the world on the topic of clean technologies during its round-the-world journey. The Solar Impulse II actually launched a global initiative of clean future, which is named as #futureisclean movement’.

And what can we help? As a non-profit organization among Chinese professionals in Switzerland, the Chinese Association of Science and Technology in Switzerland (CASTS) has more than 700 registered scholars all over the Switzerland. We think that with the help of frontier knowledge and state-of-the-art technology the dream of a clean world will come true. CASTS supports FUTUREISCLEAN initiated by Solar Impulse II. Here we would like to help collecting signatures for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) which is going to be held end of this year in Paris.

And the signature address is here:

http://www.futureisclean.org/chinese-association-of-science-and-technology-switzerland (click Add Your Voice)

We expect many hundreds of thousands of you to join us and thank you in advance for making yourself heard and for supporting the #futureisclean movement.

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