

Bicycling to work, such a nice way to start a day!

Already for two days I have been happy to ride my bicycle to work. Happy because it has been windy enough to keep the pollution levels down and also because I have had mainly tailwind or at least not headwind.

I am very blessed to live close enough to the work place so the ride is very pleasant, just perfect length, not too long as it takes about 25-30 minutes to arrive. I am fortunate to have relatively simple and safe route (if you can describe any traffic safe in China), since my home and office are all located along Chang’an Avenue.

I have felt such a freedom when riding to work in the morning, that I have had lust to sing. Actually on Sunday when we did a test ride I was singing Finnish folksongs loudly when crossing Tiananmen Square. LOL! After two weeks being pushed underground in smelly, moisture metro line 1, this is pure luxury. I get to greet Chairman Mao every morning at the Tiananmen Square, as I ride freely on the generously wide bicycle line with my silly-looking yellow bicycle. The people in the cars on my left are trapped in the traffic jam, people in the crowded buses stand holding tightly to keep the balance. Tourist groups at the Tiananmen Square are either following the guides or squeezing at the stairs to get inside the tunnel and further to the Forbidden City.

When returning home in the evening, I know now how the rush our looks like. So, I prefer to leave a bit later to enjoy the room and space on my bicycle lane. The first day I was hit by an older guy riding his electric bicycle. I just heard people screaming as they witnessed him to rid strait on my front wheel from behind. It sounded like I was to lose my front wheel as the guy didn’t bother to stop neither hit the breaks to slow down. I was lucky, basically nothing happened. Now I know to be on my guard for this kind of situations.

Today I was enjoying the sun set while riding home. I could see in the West the old CCTV Tower and even the mountains that circle the city. Tourists were squeezing behind the white fences to see the flag ceremony. I was admiring the swallows flying in the blue sky and eating insects in the beautiful pleasant evening.

Back in Finland I have more normal bicycle, but here I am ok with this funny little piece. It is not easy to ride as it is pretty shaky. The seat is bouncy and it is easy to reach the maximum speed, which is not anything that could be described as fast and furious. Anyway I have learned to know her and like her as she has some character. Riding her makes me feel hilarious and, which is excellent. I also don’t like to worry my bicycle would attract somebody to steel it, so it is perfect for me now.


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